CODNP Day 67: “Possible” Injuries in 2020

We know that everything is going to be different in 2020.  We also know that this year is the worst and if something can go wrong, it probably will and spectacularly.  So if baseball actually does return and the players take the field, the potential for injury rears its ugly head.  But they can’t be normal injuries.  Oh, no.  2020 wouldn’t stand for that.  What sort of 2020 injuries could we see?

–Chasing after a foul ball, a catcher–used to getting support from his teammates along the rail–falls into the dugout.  Not only does he rupture a tendon, he bumps into the one reserve within six feet of the edge and they both have to go into quarantine.

–A runner stands on first when the first baseman coughs.  Panicking and trying to escape, he runs straight into said first baseman, knocking them both out.

–Worried that the trainer next to him might send him out for some tests, a pitcher strains a lat muscle trying to hold in a sneeze.

–Caught in a rundown between third and home, a runner has a full-blown anxiety attack as the players continue to get closer and closer to him.

–The assistant hitting coach trips as he tries to get out from the stands where he has been stationed and acquires a nasty gash on his forehead.

–A second baseman accidentally swallows the testing thermometer.

–Three bench players almost drown when they try to drink water without removing their masks.

OK, so none of these will actually happen, but there are going to be some weird things that will have us saying, “Only in 2020.”  We’ll find out what they’ll be!

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