Mission Statement: The Cardinal Conclave is a place for thoughtful and intelligent discussion of the St. Louis Cardinals. Different points of view are encouraged as long as they are backed up with reason and logic.
This is a family-friendly web site. By that we mean that there will be very limited profanity or off-color remarks, there will be no inappropriate pictures (either solo or as part of a meme), or anything of that nature. While that’s by design expected out of our bloggers, that goes toward the commenters as well. Please keep it clean and respectful and realize that if you disagree with a post, the author wrote it honestly and please respond in that manner. We’re here to talk Cardinal baseball, not referee feuds.
If you are a blogger and would like to move your blog to The Conclave, please contact us with your interest. Additions will be added only if a overwhelming majority of the current membership concurs. That said, we are always willing to add in a quality blog to our merry band.
You can email the site at thecardsconclave@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!