Top Cards on Twitter 2023

Finally, thankfully, the 2023 season has come to a close.  It was a miserable slog, from a terrible April to a sell-off in July to a September that meant nothing.  Let’s not do that again, shall we?  While we wait for the playoffs to conclude so that the Cardinals can get to work remaking this [...]


As the year winds down, it’s time once again to go through the best accounts on what the old folks remember as Twitter.  These aren’t my picks, of course.  In case you are coming to this fresh, in October I put out a ballot for voting on accounts, ranking them on a range from 10 [...]

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All right, this morning we kicked off the annual look at Twitter accounts in the Cardinals section of the website.  Many of those were write-ins and not listed on the main ballot.  Everyone from now on was on the ballot and that helps the point totals start to increase.  We’ll also go ahead and add [...]


You know, I keep writing these little intro paragraphs and I’m not really sure why I do.  Basically you are clicking here and jumping right down to the names on the list, seeing if you are there or who you know on it.  I get it, I’d do the same thing.  But it feels just [...]


Last of our four posts for the day!  We’ve made it from the very beginning to knocking of the door of the top 100.  Let’s see who we have here! My man Gene took a tumble but I think that’s because the man loves to change his handle.  I’ve known him for 20 years and [...]


It’s Day 2 of this basically week-long project and we’re taking a look at the back quarter of the Top 100.  Let’s see who we have, shall we? I wonder if Lexie was able to get a World Series ring.  If not, she’ll have plenty of chances to see her dad’s.  Jodi hasn’t had a [...]


We’re starting to get serious now.  Lots of great names in this edition that could have easily finished higher–and many have in past years!  So let’s see who they are. A bit of a podcasting section.  That’s A Winner is going strong, while the Birds On The Bat show seems to have moved on to [...]


Here we go with the last bulk post.  These are the folks that just missed getting into the Top 25.  Many of them have been in that august company before and likely will be again in the future, assuming we do this in the future.  That’s for later though.  Let’s get to the right now! [...]


The last two days we’ve done a speed run through about 200 Twitter accounts.  For the last 25, our approach is to take a little more of a look and give these folks the attention they deserve.  You’ll see their Twitter bio, a pinned or recent Tweet, and then data both on their accounts and [...]


We’re getting into some rarified air here and, spoiler alert, we’ve got some new accounts in the mix this year.  Let’s see who is at the bottom of the Top 20! Number 20: hochman Sports columnist for hometown paper, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (@stltoday). Author of 4 books, including 11 IN ‘11 (about 2011 #STLCards). Host [...]


Our last post of the day is an eclectic mix of accounts, including a newcomer to the ranks.  Let’s just dive in and see what we have! Number 15: memphisredbirds The proud Triple-A affiliate of the @Cardinals. On Twitter since: March 2009 Number of Tweets: 41.2K Following: 591 Followers: 69,034 Total points: 1,060 Average: 8.143 [...]


Just 10 more accounts to go!  None of the names should surprise you but perhaps the order will.  Allons-y! Number 10: miklasz Proudly serving STL sports fans as a weekday host (3-6 pm) for 590 KFNS and columnist for On Twitter since: February 2009 Number of Tweets: 42.6K Following: 1,576 Followers: 141,993 Total points: [...]


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