Top Cards on Twitter 2021

With the end of the regular season, we start thinking about the things of the fall.  Playoff baseball is at the top of the list, of course, but here at the blog, we’ve got our own calendar.  For instance, the Playing Pepper series will start getting worked on in January or February for a March [...]


As we start to wrap up 2021 and head on into what will hopefully be a better and less pandemicy 2022, there is one piece of business we need to clear up.  Back in October, for the seventh consecutive year (a fact that boggles my mind), I asked for your opinions on the people that [...]


All right, so this morning we looked at those that got the write-in votes.  Now we’ll look at the bottom portion of the ballot.  Unsurprisingly, these vote totals jump up quite a bit, as the lowest one here is about 70 points higher than the last one in the first post.  Who are these people?  [...]


We’ve gotten underway with our examination of the top Cardinal Twitter accounts with two posts earlier today.  Obviously, there are a lot of great folks that didn’t make the list so be sure to poke around a bit and find some of them.  There’s also a lot more names we’ve got to go through, so [...]


Another day and more Twitter handles to sort through!  By the end of the day we’ll be right outside the Top 25, but we’ve got some miles to cover before we get there.  Let’s have at it! I appreciate Mo because he retweets my posts plus highlights a sentence or two.  I’m always interested to [...]


We’re starting to get into some serious territory now as we finish up the back half of the top 100.  Let’s do it! Sam works his way into this post instead of the prior one by way of the tiebreaker (higher average points).  I can’t see friggencards without hearing Kyle Reis welcoming him into a [...]


All right, we are to the final group outside the Top 25.  We’ll look at those in more detail but these folks are definitely worth your time as well! Lots of great folks in this group.  Christian has gone by a few names but has brought the heat under all of them.  Josh is cardinalsgifs’s [...]


After all the votes were tabulated, 25 (well, 27 but we’ll get to that in the last post) folks stood out from the rest.  There are a lot of amazing folks on Cardinals Twitter, so to get to this point is a pretty significant accomplishment.  So let’s see who they are!  With these folks, we’ll [...]


We’re quickly moving up the ranks and now we are at the back half of the teens.  Some media types as well as some legendary Twitter handles in this one so let’s get right at it! Number 20: cigarmike Love all, trust a few, do harm to none. CigarMike is not actually a cigar. It’s [...]


If we were climbing a mountain, the air would be getting a little thin by this point.  Of course, there would be no “we” in mountain climbing as I would have been left for dead somewhere around number 98.  Metaphors, amirite?  Anyway, let’s keep going. Number 15: jmjones #stlcards beat and features for @BellevilleNewsD. Bylines: [...]


We are now into the “best of the best” territory,  We’ve covered a lot of names but now only 10 (kinda) remain.  So let’s keep counting them down! Number 10: zachsilver St. Louis Cardinals beat reporter for @MLB dot com || @cornellsun born and bred || to many typos two care Steven Matz, officially a [...]


Top Cards on Twitter 2021: 1-5

We’ve reached the end of our journey.  Below are the accounts that you the voters believe are the best ones on Twitter.  Before we get to them, though, a little clarification. Two years ago, we instituted the policy that, after three #1 finishes, a person would then be inducted into the Top Cards on Twitter [...]


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