Top Cards on Twitter 2021: 21-25

After all the votes were tabulated, 25 (well, 27 but we’ll get to that in the last post) folks stood out from the rest.  There are a lot of amazing folks on Cardinals Twitter, so to get to this point is a pretty significant accomplishment.  So let’s see who they are!  With these folks, we’ll see their Twitter avatar, either their pinned or a recent Cardinals tweet, and some expanded stats about the voting.

Number 25: StewStilez
low-quality baseball tweets • pro-bat-flip • baseball cards • scorebook guy & game recaps @birdsontheblack • #stlcards

On Twitter since: November 2011
Number of Tweets: 59.4K
Following: 561
Followers: 2,200

Total points: 688
Average: 8.191
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 42.86%
% that were 1: 3.57%
Ranking history: 36 (2018), 36 (2019), 50 (2020)

Stew is the man that turns scoring a baseball game into an art form.  You’ve seen his work at Birds on the Black, for sure, and it’s always a pleasure to behold.  He’s more than that, though, dealing out succinct thoughts on the Cards throughout the season.  He’ll also dip into other Missouri sports and he’s got some albums dropped that you can check out!

Number 24: sarahanne1212
I’m just kidding… Official (former?) jinx of the #STLCards • Slightly dramatized for comedic effect • Taking my standup act on the road this fall, tix here

On Twitter since: January 2012
Number of Tweets: 27.8K
Following: 328
Followers: 2,176

Total points: 705
Average: 7.500
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 40.43%
% that were 1: 7.45%
Ranking history: None

I don’t quite know why I just found Sarah Anne’s account this year, but I’m glad that I finally did.  She’s got a humorous bent to her tweets, has the ability to completely stick to a bit, and has great taste in comedians.  As funny as she can be, it can be even more humorous to see the responses of people that take her repeated badgering of the Cardinals to say hi to Yadi or her dating status with Harrison Bader seriously.  It’s rare you see someone make the Top 25 first time out (though, in fairness, we have a few of those this time) and I’d be surprised if this was the last time she was in this company.

Number 23: Dylan_Dinger

Total points: 728
Average: 7.137
Number of ballots: 1
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 20.59%
% that were 1: 4.90%
Ranking history: 80 (2017), 18 (2018), 23 (2019), 22 (2020)

So, for reasons I don’t quite know, somewhere around when we did the voting DD’s account was removed from Twitter.  He’s been unable to get it back, it seems, so he’s been using the Turnin2Podcast handle for the podcast that he and Tito (triveratops) do together.  I probably should have added those points here instead of having a separate entry, but it wouldn’t change his placement.  The man formerly known as STLMattinals can be a forceful presence, whether he’s talking about the Cardinals, bathrooms, or anything else that he might think about.  We’ll see if he stays with the podcast account in 2022 or returns to a name-based handle.

Number 22: stlCupofJoe
Husband | Dad | Pharmacist | @butleru grad | #TeamJaden | 22q11.2 awareness | Formerly, pitch analyst @TheAthleticSTL | stlcupofjoe @ gmail | Views = My own

On Twitter since: May 2010
Number of Tweets: 57.3K
Following: 768
Followers: 9,839

Total points: 765
Average: 6.652
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 15.65%
% that were 1: 8.70%
Ranking history: 13 (2015), 18 (2016), 6 (2017), 7 (2018), 10 (2019), 7 (2020)

I’m not allowed to say anything nice about Joe because that would totally be out of character for me in our relationship.  However, it’s true that he does understand pitching on a different level than most of us.  He doesn’t write about it any more, more’s the pity, though I think people just wanted to see what cardinalsgifs would do to illustrate the posts anyway.  His account also is heavily influenced by his life as a pharmacist, especially in the past two years.  He says he’s a busy man but he’s mainly just busy going to Disney three times a year.

Number 21: memphisredbirds
Official account of the Memphis Redbirds. The proud @TripleABaseball affiliate of the @Cardinals.

On Twitter since: March 2009
Number of Tweets: 37.5K
Following: 563
Followers: 61,883

Total points: 768
Average: 8.258
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 37.63%
% that were 1: 1.08%
Ranking history: 25 (2019), 36 (2020)

Team accounts feel like they have to be engaging and humorous, mainly because they really do need to be that way, and Memphis is no exception.  There’s plenty of promotional tweets and highlights in the feed, of course, but they do it in a pretty comfortable way.  We’ll see if the recent sale of the team to Diamond Baseball Holdings changes anything but I wouldn’t expect it will.

Come back this afternoon and we’ll discuss the next five!

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