Top Cards on Twitter 2020: 76-100

Here we are, at the end of Day 2 of this series, reaching into the top 100.  Going forward, you are going to see a lot of names that you recognize (not that it has been an issue up to this point) and hopefully if you aren’t following these folks you give some consideration to doing so.  Let’s get at it!

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots PY
100 colingarner22 264 6.000 10 1 44 180
99 joshisnothome 268 6.700 10 1 40 176
98 MattSebek 269 5.848 10 1 46 90
97 b_g_h 279 5.936 10 1 47 70
96 lil_scooter93 282 6.130 10 1 46 107
95 ImJimR87 284 6.927 10 1 41 158
94 HoothTrevor 285 6.477 10 1 44 141
93 gr33nazn 287 5.979 10 1 48 73
92 Holy_Shildt 288 6.400 10 1 45 74
91 HighSock_Sunday 291 6.614 10 1 44 87

Josh took over the wildly successful #BombsAway stat keeping this year and did an outstanding job with it.  We congratulate Matt Sebek on his new job with the St. Louis MLS team, even though that will probably mean we don’t see much more of that Fredbird on a bridge meme.  Hooth is probably out there thinking I left a 1 or a 2 off of the front of his place number.  Dennis has returned to Twitter lately and that means it’s a much funnier place than when he stepped away.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots PY
90 BlogOfTheirOwn 296 5.585 10 1 53 42
89 todsqd 300 6.667 10 1 45 93
88 BuenoWaino 304 6.080 10 2 50 106
87 MoknowsMinimo 308 6.553 10 1 47 139
86 friggencards 310 6.458 10 1 48 86
85 IvesBaseballSTL 312 5.032 10 1 62 58
84 hes_verygood 312 6.638 10 1 47 82
83 scoobydeux 312 6.933 10 1 45 54
82 Turn2Dude 313 6.804 10 1 46 195
81 Toppercoachx3 315 7.000 10 1 45 109

The squad of Todd ushers us into the 300 point level of our survey.  BOTO broke the 50 mark on ballots, only to see Mr. Ives come along and be listed on over 60.  Most of you know scoobydeux as Cardinal Tales and Bob’s still grilling basically every day and making us hungry with pictures.  Rusty’s the other side of Bird Law and also became a dad again so 2020 wasn’t completely terrible.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots PY
80 NChill17 321 6.551 10 1 49 66
79 GroundRuleDoble 322 6.708 10 1 48 78
78 AaronMSTL 327 6.056 10 1 54 168
77 Matty_ice99 332 6.510 10 1 51 148
76 Free_Agent_Yadi 333 6.283 10 1 53 89

NChill does excellent work in the visual area for Birds on the Black.  Jon is a former Conclave writer who still throws up a post at his own site these days.  Free Agent Yadi was Hustling Yadi before, welll, Yadi became a free agent.

That’ll do it for today.  Tomorrow we’ll do two more big posts and then break into the top 25!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2020: 101-125Top Cards on Twitter 2020: 51-75 >>

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