Top Cards on Twitter: 2020 Edition

It’s become an annual tradition at this point.  When October rolls around and the regular season is over, we start the process of rating those that provide content on the website/cesspool (depending on the day and your point of view) known as Twitter.  This will be the sixth year we’ve done this and every year the list gets longer of people that brighten at least someone’s day with their Cardinals (or other) content.

If you are new to this, here’s last year’s series of posts that you can use as a reference and to see just how this works.  We’ll do the voting over much of October and then, most likely after Thanksgiving, I’ll get the posts out that discuss how the voting shook out.  Last month, I asked for people to nominate others (or themselves) that weren’t on the ballot or written in last year.  If someone you follow (or yourself, of course) didn’t make this year’s lengthy ballot, there are write-in spots at the end.  Write-in folks automatically move to the full ballot next year, assuming they are still active.

Last year, I said that I would remove people that didn’t hit a certain threshold.  There weren’t a ton of those people, though, and when I asked the masses they said that everyone should stay.  Given that it’s 2020 and we all need a little something of a boost, that made a ton of sense.  As always, though, I need to make the next part very, very clear.


I can’t reiterate that enough.  There are very close to 200 accounts on this ballot.  I know I don’t follow every one of them and I’d be surprised if you did as well.  Since I do have calculations for averages as well as the number of top and low scores a person gets, giving a person a 1 just because you don’t know them throws everything off.  Just skip it and move on, as that will help you not spend all day on this form as well.

As always, how you rate someone is up to you.  Ideally, you’d base the bulk of your opinion on their Cardinals content, but there’s obviously no way that I can tell you how you feel about someone.  Maybe you like Person A’s witty takes on the offense but don’t like their thoughts about football.  Maybe someone’s politics is why you interact with them, even though you found them through baseball.  Whatever the case, your personal rating guidelines are your own.

My thinking is that if someone doesn’t get voted on by 25% of the voters this year, I’ll cut them off the ballot for next year.  However, that’s not set in stone by any means.

That’s enough preamble, I guess.  Below is the link.  I plan to keep the voting open until probably October 23rd unless it looks like everyone is already done with it before then.  I would imagine the various posts with results will start coming out after Thanksgiving, as I plan to work on the Exit Interviews first.  Have fun, be honest, don’t rank people you don’t follow/interact with, and thanks for your input!

The 2020 Top Cards on Twitter Voting Form

Series NavigationTop Cards on Twitter 2020: The Write-In Section >>

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