Top Cards on Twitter: 2017 Edition

With the regular season now behind us, it’s time to turn to that annual tradition we have around these parts.  No, not that one yet.  No, we’ll get to that one.  Man, that one is in the spring.  No, it’s time for the third annual Top Cards on Twitter event!

In 2015, we kicked this off by asking everyone to fill out a blank ballot of their top Cardinal Twitter follows.  That’s a tough thing to do, of course, but it did lead to a lot of folks getting recognized.  Last year, we took the top 25 and put them in for ranking with the option of adding some others into the mix.  However, that just led to a reshuffling of the top 25 and no new blood getting in there, which seemed wrong.  So this year, yet again, we are going to approach this in a different manner.  This manner has the potential to get time-consuming, so I want to be clear about something right up front.


What I did this year was try to make sure we could give a voice to as many people as possible.  So what we have here is a list with every single account that got a vote last year (unless I couldn’t find them recently when I was searching) along with some new accounts that I have come across this season as well.  (I also asked at least twice for folks to submit nominees and I didn’t get any, so if you aren’t on the list, you had your chance!  Plus there is still a write-in section.)

Instead of ranking folks and trying to decide whether you should rank cardinalsgifs ahead of stlcupofjoe or something like that, we’re going to do it a little more independently.  Each person on the list can be rated on a 1-10 scale, where one is a person that you may follow but doesn’t really provide much value to you and 10 is a person that you could not do Twitter without.  Between the two extremes, well, that’s up to you.

The form is long enough that I’m going to go ahead and just link to it here instead of trying to embed it.  To make sure you don’t miss it, let’s do the big centering thing again:


When you click on the big link above, you’ll come to a simple question, asking you your Twitter handle.  This is mainly to keep the ballots separate to make sure if a form gets submitted twice accidentally I’ll realize it.  After you put in your handle, which again is THE ONLY REQUIRED ANSWER ON THE WHOLE FORM, you’ll see the first page of accounts which range from those that start with numbers through the ones that begin with B.  There will be a “NEXT” button on the bottom of the page which will take you to the next section of accounts.  There are five (5) pages of listed accounts, all in alphabetical order.  Again, clicking next on the bottom of each page will take you to the next one.

The last page allows you to add in folks that weren’t listed on the form.  Just put them in the write-in spot, then rank them using the same scale.  Again, I tried to be as comprehensive as possible but it’s not realistic to list every single Cardinal fan account on Twitter.  We’d be here all day!  Hopefully this is a good compromise and something that works for you.

Submissions will be taken until October 23.  That gives you three weeks to get your opinions in.  Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be a regular nuisance with this on Twitter so you aren’t likely to be able to forget.  Once all the info is in, we’ll have our regular series of posts ranking them.  We’re going to use total points as the ranking, but there will be notes about highest averages and possibly even a leaderboard with that data as well.  I appreciate your help on this and I look forward to the results!

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