Top Cards on Twitter 2017: 1-5

We’ve reached the last of our list, though we’ll be looking at it through some different prisms tomorrow. If you are just now tuning in, where have you been? Here are the other links for you:


We’ve put this off long enough.  Who are the best Cardinal Twitter accounts?

Number 5: miklasz
Sincere thanks to everyone who has supported my lengthy career at the center of the sports-media industrial complex.

On Twitter since: February 2009
Number of Tweets: 37.7K
Following: 1,411
Followers: 140,228

Number of ballots: 38
% that were 10: 50.00%
% that were 1: 2.63%
Total points: 326
2016 rank: 15

Being that I’m not in St. Louis and I don’t tend to listen to sports radio, I tend to think about Bernie less than I did when he was at the Post-Dispatch and was doing Best Podcast in Baseball with Derrick Goold.  However, it doesn’t appear his move to radio has affected his import and popularity at all if these results are any indication.  Bernie’s always been a “tell it like it is” guy and an interesting read.

Number 4: StlCardsCards
(No bio)

On Twitter since: March 2014
Number of Tweets: 44.9K
Following: 606
Followers: 4,817

Number of ballots: 38
% that were 10: 50.00%
% that were 1: 2.63%
Total points: 334
2016 rank: 1

Last year’s Top Card followed that up with another solid year on Twitter, even if he couldn’t figure out where he wanted to write his humorous posts that had to be over 140 (or 280) characters.  Now he’s settled in as part of that new Birds on the Black site to bring down the quality of that site to a more manageable level.  There’s no telling what you’ll get on CardsCards Twitter feed but it’s probably going to be funny, has a good chance of being offensive, and is often going to be a highlight of your day.

Number 3: LangoschMLB
Christian. Cardinals beat reporter for . Regular contributor to , MLB Network and Cardinals Magazine.

On Twitter since: July 2009
Number of Tweets: 21.7K
Following: 388
Followers: 63,172

Number of ballots: 40
% that were 10: 37.50%
% that were 1: 0.00%
Total points: 344
2016 rank: 4

It’s hard to believe Jenifer has been covering the Cardinals for almost six years now.  She continues to do so with professionalism and solid reporting.  Her Twitter account isn’t often going to interact with followers but it still has a lot of Cardinal news and links to her work.  I also want to extend congratulations on her absence at the beginning of next season as she has her first child.

(As I have done the last three years, I include my account on the list but don’t count the results in the overall rankings, just noting where I would have fallen, which would be right here.  I appreciate all those that gave me the good reviews and would like to extend my thanks for all the votes!)

Number 2: dgoold
Lead Cardinals beat writer for St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Proud father. Bookworm. Lapsed cartoonist. World Record-holding INF. Friendly neighborhood word slinger.

On Twitter since: September 2008
Number of Tweets: 118K
Following: 1,440
Followers: 95,786

Number of ballots: 41
% that were 10: 43.90%
% that were 1: 0.00%
Total points: 357
2016 rank: 2

It’s not surprising that the beat writer in a baseball-obsessed town always gets ranked highly.  We’ve done this three years and Derrick has finished first once and twice second.  He’s usually good about interacting with followers, though the answers aren’t always what folks are looking for.  He’s indispensable for news relating to the Cardinals, especially this winter with so many irons in the fire.

Number 1: cardinalsgifs
⚡ “I don’t know who put out the hit,” Maddon said “I don’t know if Tony Soprano is in the dugout”

On Twitter since: May 2015
Number of Tweets: 25.3K
Following: 1,199
Followers: 4,882

Number of ballots: 40
% that were 10: 65.00%
% that were 1: 0.00%
Total points: 382
2016 rank: 33

You want a challenge? Find someone to say something slightly negative about gifs.  Even on Twitter, that place where negativity thrives, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything.  Gifs is great about helping anyone who asks–see the Exit Interview header he did for me as an example–and now is putting his creativity behind the Birds on the Black site.  With the talent there and gifs running the show and the visuals, there would seem to be no stopping them from internet domination.

So there you have it!  Tomorrow, we’ll take a couple of different looks at the data just to show a few things.  Thanks for sticking around!

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