Top Cards on Twitter 2017: 51-75

Let’s continue our look at the best Cardinal-centric follows on Twitter as determined by those that got tired enough of listening to me beg for input that they filled out a form.  If you missed it, our first batch, from #76 to #97, ran here.  All the details about the project are there as well, so let’s just get after it. (Wait, one more detail since it didn’t come up last time. Ties were broken by the higher average of points per ballot the Twitterer appeared on.)

Place Handle Points Max Min 2016
75 BinPiehl 66 7 1 46
74 turpin4prez 69 10 1 72
73 mademdashes 69 8 1 64
72 buddha6883 70 9 1 63
71 Diane1611 71 7 1 N/A

Some quality follows here, of course.  Diane’s one of the regulars of the United Cardinal Bloggers and is always active with whatever we do.  I always enjoy seeing what Dan Moore has to say and, quite often, how he’s going to say it.

Place Handle Points Max Min 2016
70 saraholmesSTL 87 10 1 73
69 boxcar_fritz 88 10 1 69
68 AdamMFelder 88 8 1 62
67 FWBluesFan 92 10 1 34
66 ErdrickStorm 95 10 1 N/A
65 CruddyWH 97 9 1 38
64 Graham_Stl 103 9 1 ??
63 kluttz_fan (protected) 105 10 2 46
62 FakeMikeMatheny 106 9 1 54
61 DizzyDean_17 106 9 1 54

Pretty big jump between our first chunk and this one.  That’s probably going to happen at this stage of the list, though.  I don’t know where Adam Felder went off to–when I was doing the form, he was on Twitter, but some time since the World Series he seems to have deleted his account.  Hopefully he’ll be back when the season rolls around.  I think Graham_Stl was a different account last year but I really can’t remember which one, which is why his 2016 ranking is what it is.  Tina (ErdrickStorm) is one of my favorite new follows and I’m glad that she has been able to join me at times for the Star Wars podcasts as well!

Place Handle Points Max Min 2016
60 DrMilesM5 107 10 1 N/A
59 Drunk_Yadi 108 9 1 43
58 thestlcardsfan4 109 10 1 49
57 AshleyMClark92 109 10 1 67
56 CardsNation13 113 8 1 46
55 grobot05 117 10 1 69
54 elichap22 117 10 1 45
53 stlcardsminimo 121 10 1 N/A
52 LanceDance1 122 10 1 N/A
51 2xAught7 123 10 1 58

A few bloggers in this mix, including Dr. Miles, whom many of you may remember from his Adam Wainwright interactions this summer.  As I mentioned yesterday, really enjoy the Bird Law podcast which Adam (LanceDance1) is a part of.  And Sean (2xAught7) is a great one for pithy observations, either about the Cardinals, St. Louis, or other items of interest.

We’re right about halfway through.  We’ll go through another 25 in our next post then get ready to break down the top accounts!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2017: 76-97Top Cards on Twitter 2017: 26-50 >>
  • Diane Schultz December 7, 2017, 9:36 pm

    Hooray! I finally made this list!

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