
Trust In Mo

Unsurprisingly, given that she turned seven years old last week, my daughter is quite taken with the Disney movie Frozen.  From what I understand, that puts her in a very, very large group of people.  That also means that we have the soundtrack at our house and “Let It Go” plays fairly often.  Given the [...]

Today is May the Fourth, which has been appropriated in geek culture as “Star Wars Day”, due to the general saying of the Jedi.  If you don’t understand why May the Fourth was chosen, it’s likely you’ll want to back slowly out of this post.  Assuming you can catch that basic reference, though, you’ll feel [...]

“DEAR BLOGGER: I am 8 years old. “Some of my little friends say there is no Mozeliak Claus. “Papa says, ‘If you see it at THE CARDINAL CONCLAVE it’s so.’ “Please tell me the truth; is there a Mozeliak Claus? “VIRGINIA GIBSON. “700 CLARK STREET” VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected [...]

Stealing Signs

Nothing like a manufactured pseudo-controversy to keep things fresh. You may have noticed the story Wednesday about St Louis allegedly stealing signs during the NLCS.  From the ESPN article: “We felt like we had to be sure we kept an eye on their first-base coach and their third-base coach,” Mattingly said. “They’re the ones with [...]

The WAR Doctor

On November 23, 1963, Doctor Who premiered in England and started on the path of being the longest-running science-fiction show out there.  Not that it’s been an uninterrupted journey, by any means, but today we do mark the 50th anniversary of this classic show.  Odds are that, if you understand the below, you aren’t reading [...]

Thanks to comments here and elsewhere, some more jerseys got their turn in the spotlight. We’ve got two new posts up on our Facebook page, which you should like if you haven’t already!  Since there are so many of them, I believe a second post is in order.  So kick back and enjoy round 2! [...]

Back in 2008, I was going through my closet of shirseys (with my budget, that’s what you get instead of the more expensive replica or real jerseys) and trying to decide what to wear.  It came to me then that each shirt could reflect differently on the person wearing it.  So I wrote about it [...]

The Heroes of Diamonds

I mentioned as a throwaway at the end of this morning’s post that I was going to “rewrite The Hero of Canton”.  I wasn’t really planning to do that, but unfortunately a couple of lines came to me quickly, which meant that it wouldn’t leave me alone until I got it done. If you are [...]

The BBC has ended weeks of speculation today by selecting St. Louis Cardinals general manager John Mozeliak to portray The Twelfth Doctor in the long-running BBC science fiction series Doctor Who. Showrunner Steven Moffat made the surprise announcement on Mozeliak’s home turf of Busch Stadium prior to Saturday night’s game between the Cardinals and the [...]

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