Top Cards on Twitter 2023: The Wrapup

We finished up the actual list earlier this afternoon, with Katie Woo taking her rightful place besides cardinalsgifs in the Twitter Hall of Fame.  However, I usually do a few extra sorts as sort of an epilogue to the main event, so let’s take a look at those now.

First up, we have how many times a person was voted for.  Usually this tracks pretty well with the normal list but it’s not necessarily one-to-one.  How did it shake out this year?

Handle # Ballots Official Rank
katiejwoo 206 1
cardinalsgifs 204 NA
dgoold 201 2
Unclecharlie50 176 3
bschaeffer12 174 5
C70 172 NA
AugieNash 171 4
Ben_Fred 170 9
Cardinals 160 7
JohnDenton55 156 21

Well, a lot of people weighed in on Denton, like we noted back on his post.  The highest official person not on this list?  kyler416, who finished 6th but was 14th in ballots cast.  People just love them some Kyle so the points added up.

The next table is average score.  I’ve filtered this to anyone that received votes on at least 20% of the ballots cast to remove those outliers that received a perfect 10 on one ballot, for instance.

Handle Average Official Rank
cardinalsgifs 9.632 NA
katiejwoo 9.359 1
UncleCharlie50 9.148 3
kyler416 9.089 6
TheCatonBallyTV 8.946 8
dgoold 8.881 2
C70 8.826 NA
StewStilez 8.754 17
VanHicklestein 8.729 12
CardsPlayerDev 8.679 28

We get a little more variety in this one.  It’s really interesting to me that an official account like CardsPlayerDev was so highly ranked by folks.  Not that they don’t deserve it, it’s just you usually don’t see that.  The lowest person in the regular top 5 in this sort was bschaeffer12 at 20th, though an 8.132 average is still pretty sharp.

Final table!  This one is ranking accounts by how many perfect 10s did they get as a percentage of their total votes.  I’ve left the 20% filter on this as well.

Handle % 10 Official Rank
cardinalsgifs 80.39% NA
katiejwoo 74.76% 1
UncleCharlie50 69.89% 3
kyler416 64.38% 6
dgoold 60.70% 2
TheCatonBallyTV 55.41% 8
AugieNash 50.88% 4
C70 50.58% NA
KareemSSN 48.39% 43
Cardinals 47.50% 7

A remarkable jump for KareemSSN, which just goes to show that as his name gets out there and more people become familiar with his work, he’s going to shoot up the overall rankings.  The only one in the top 5 that wasn’t ranked here was against Schaeffer, clocking in at 21st.  Maybe not as many 10s for Brenden but still were a lot of high scores for him to get in the Top 5.

Assuming Twitter or X or whatever is still around next year, we’ll do it again next fall.  Thanks to everyone for participating!

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