Top Cards On Twitter 2023: 151-175

All right, this morning we kicked off the annual look at Twitter accounts in the Cardinals section of the website.  Many of those were write-ins and not listed on the main ballot.  Everyone from now on was on the ballot and that helps the point totals start to increase.  We’ll also go ahead and add in the average per ballot now that there’s a few more ballots involved.  Let’s see what we have!

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots Prior Year
175 InMyDNA64 61 6.100 10 1 10 NR
174 BOTB_Leth 62 6.200 10 1 10 NR
173 FWBluesFan 64 7.111 9 3 9 175
172 jewills134 72 6.000 9 2 12 NR
171 sheckiezx 73 7.300 10 3 10 163

How can you not appreciate at good baseball/Star Trek pun/reference?  That’s just good stuff right there.  Also Zed is one of my favorites–good pun appreciation, good Star Wars opinions, and a reliable ally in dealing with triveratops.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots Prior Year
170 bradkehl 76 6.333 10 1 12 175
169 remembirds 77 7.000 9 5 11 NR
168 JDSportsRadio 77 7.700 10 3 10 211
167 grobot05 79 6.583 10 2 12 172
166 O_T_Lee 82 7.455 10 1 11 215
165 mrmgwilson 82 7.455 10 4 11 175
164 STLRedbirdGang 89 6.846 10 3 13 175
163 rcsmith79 90 6.923 10 1 13 NR
162 adamhayden22 93 4.895 10 1 19 175
161 RammerSTL 97 6.063 9 1 16 NR

We got a little deeper in the tiebreaker in here, so my rule of thumb was that if the points are tied and the average are tied, we go to the top score with the higher winning.  If that’s tied, we go to the low score, with the higher again winning.  There are a lot of really good accounts that focus on the history of the Cardinals.  If you are interested in such information, remembirds is a great one to follow.  I’ve been on a show or two with JD and he is a knowledgeable voice, plus it’s remarkable how he’s able to turn out a daily podcast.  That’s some dedication.  Grobot is why verified accounts were created, though it’s obviously not as valuable as it used to be.  One of the benefits of doing #bombsaway was getting to interact with folks like OT.  The Gang must have gotten off of Twitter since I checked accounts before putting out the ballot.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min # Ballots Prior Year
160 NChill17 98 6.533 10 3 15 175
159 MastheAce25 98 7.538 10 2 13 163
158 BradenBrown24 100 4.545 9 1 22 215
157 cardinalscharts 101 5.611 10 1 18 215
156 NoahsS***tyArk 103 6.059 10 1 17 169
155 tamar_sher 106 6.235 10 1 17 NR
154 tim_nicolai 107 7.133 10 1 15 211
153 SandyMac718 107 7.643 10 2 14 NR
152 carlyTHFC 109 6.813 10 1 16 175
151 ToR_Ron75 115 5.750 10 1 20 125

I don’t think I’ve seen stuff from NChill over at Birds on the Black lately, but that could be me missing something.  There’s a lot of good talk on the account, but there seems to be a distinct lack lately of charts on cardinalscharts.  You can see Tamar regularly on KMOV.  Always have to sympathize with Ron because he spends so much time with Cubs fans and he occasionally is weird about Star Wars.

That’s one more chunk down!  Come back this afternoon for more!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2023: 176-223Top Cards on Twitter 2023: 126-150 >>

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