Top Cards on Twitter 2021: The Write-Ins

As we start to wrap up 2021 and head on into what will hopefully be a better and less pandemicy 2022, there is one piece of business we need to clear up.  Back in October, for the seventh consecutive year (a fact that boggles my mind), I asked for your opinions on the people that make up Cardinals Twitter.  Who were the best?  Who do you like to follow and who do you not?

I asked and boy, did you answer.

Every year #TopCardsonTwitter has grown larger, with more and more people giving input.  This year was no different, as you can see:

Year Ballots
2015 26
2016 42
2017 43
2018 116
2019 138
2020 143
2021 190

My thanks to everyone that participated and those that shared it far and wide to bring in others.  It’s always better to get the most data possible when you are doing something like this and 190 data points is quite a bit to work with.

As those that voted know, I had a ballot of around 150 names on it this year, but that doesn’t encompass everyone that makes an impact on your timeline.  So I left open the option to write folks in and a number of you took advantage of that.  Let’s take a look at those that received votes from folks that went the extra mile.  All of these accounts will be listed on the main ballot in 2022.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots
180 BaJampants 5 5 5 1
179 mkg59 7 7 7 1
174 nyrdcast 8 8 8 1
174 BigD_GCS 8 8 8 1
174 1stTimeCallers 8 8 8 1
174 RealSTLChatter 8 8 8 1
174 hokie522 8 8 8 1

I took some people off of last year’s voting and while some returned via the write-in option, it did make this list a little smaller.  Last year, we ran out to about 230 but this year BaJampants (an account I just became familiar with this year, even though he’s been around a while it seems) brings up the rear at 180.  A couple of podcasts here in our first group–nyrdcast which deals with a variety of topics along with sports and 1stTimeCallers, which is a St. Louis-centric podcast.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots
169 llockness 9 9 9 1
169 Holy_Elle 9 9 9 1
169 MusialSociety 9 9 9 1
169 CardinalHaiku 9 9 9 1
169 mcginnisbc 9 9 9 1
153 StephLuvsSports 10 10 10 1
153 StatsSTL 10 10 10 1
153 JCoreyRudd 10 10 10 1
153 katdidathing 10 10 10 1
153 laurenn_elainee 10 10 10 1
153 erothsports 10 10 10 1
153 RedbirdReject 10 10 10 1
153 TheATrainShow 10 10 10 1
153 UncleJedd3 10 10 10 1
153 LO_Cardinals 10 10 10 1
153 GatewayGrinders 10 10 10 1
153 bozoclownputer 10 10 10 1
153 realimospizza 10 10 10 1
153 cryingSTLfan4 10 10 10 1
153 Gusbus100 10 10 10 1
153 TukeLepen 10 10 10 1

A few folks in this group were actually on the list last year.  The Stan Musial Society (a wonderful organization) came in at 175, JCoreyRudd at 180, and bozoclownputer, back when he was known as veryonlinejoel, was 152.  Always enjoy seeing how CardinalHaiku is going to sum up a game in the rigid rules of her medium.  We also congratulate laurenn_elainee on her engagement, even if it’s just to Christian.  (I kid, I kid!)

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots
152 JMRedwine 16 10 6 2
151 missmiranda 18 10 8 2
149 Greytbeyond 20 10 10 2
149 Turnin2Podcast 20 10 10 2
148 NTheCardsPod 29 10 9 3
147 YaBoyFRG 30 10 10 3

Heavy podcast emphasis in this last group as Mr. Redwine is involved in the Cardinal Nation 24/7 show.  You’ve also got Tito and Dylan Dinger’s Turnin’ 2 pod and the N the Cards pod, though I think both of them have been understandably quiet in the postseason.  Always good to see my fellow Arkansan Miss Miranda on a list and here’s hoping Greytbeyond (ranked 158 last year) has a bounce back 2022 after a terrible last month or so of 2021.

Come back later on today and we’ll get into the first names that were actually on the list!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter: 2021 EditionTop Cards on Twitter 2021: 126-146 >>

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