Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 51-75

These first few posts cover a lot of ground.  We’ve already looked at 149 accounts!  Still, there are plenty more to go and lots of folks either you are following or you should follow.  Let’s see who they are.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
75 TexasCardsFan1 333 10 1 54 50
74 CardinalMetrics 336 10 1 47 66
73 retrosimba 339 10 1 43 62
72 FSRedbirdRants 345 10 1 58 70
71 RFish36 350 10 1 50 56

Scott’s been through a rough year but you’ll still find him bringing the heat.  I’m always highlighting Mark Tomasik and the great history work he does at RetroSimba.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
70 HighSock_Sunday 364 10 1 58 89
69 GatewayGrinders 364 10 1 57 153
68 b_g_h 365 10 1 55 109
67 ThatsAWinnerPod 381 10 1 55 N/A
66 ArtLippo 387 10 1 66 67
65 Graham_Stl 397 10 1 63 51
64 CardinalHaiku 403 10 1 63 169
63 chelseabrooke 411 10 1 62 60
62 CardsNation247 416 10 1 65 65
61 JodiUmo 418 10 1 61 35

Ben has been doing great work on the Cardinals Off Day podcast and I hope that continues for a long time to come.  Speaking of podcasts, the That’s A Winner podcast hit the charts with a bullet.  It also looks like people appreciate specific lyrical stylings.  Finally, Jodi slipped because she had to step away from Twitter while dealing with cancer.  I hope she’ll be back to making checks and xes very soon.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
60 stlsportscntrl 423 10 1 58 53
59 clutchmarp 427 10 1 63 72
58 PrezJohnMo 446 10 1 66 68
57 joshisnothome 449 10 1 64 47
56 CardsScorecards 466 10 1 64 49
55 BirdsOnTheBat13 481 10 1 70 58
54 RedbirdReject 490 10 1 69 153
53 CardinalsRant_ 500 10 1 72 57
52 GMGirsch 504 10 3 72 55
51 markasaxon 507 10 1 99 26

We’ve made it into the 500 level with these folks.  Josh does an excellent job with #bombsaway and puts a ton of work into it.  Christian switched accounts right before the voting, which may or may not have had an impact on him.  And, of course, Mr. Saxon will never see this given his actions last year during this project.

Next time out we’ll find out who fell just shy of the top 25.  Come back and find out!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 100-76Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 26-50 >>

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