Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 26-50

Lots of accounts down but a lot more still ahead.  We’re getting into the realm of the well-followed, if the point totals are any indication.  Let’s see who we have this time!

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
50 anne_rogers 517 10 1 82 34
49 BlogOfTheirOwn 519 10 1 74 61
48 ArchCityMedia 521 10 1 82 44
47 birdsonabatshow 526 10 1 77 40
46 drewsilv 536 10 1 76 46
45 The_Ryan_Shull 547 10 1 77 54
44 zachsilver 576 10 1 83 10
43 Fly_the_L 578 10 1 79 28
42 Moz_Algorithm 580 10 1 86 39
41 alexcards79 580 10 1 82 52

For all the stability at the Post-Dispatch, the beat writer has been a revolving door of late.  The last two prior to the current, Anne and Zach, show up here.  The Birds on the Bat Show stopped making episodes but they still drop a tweet now and again.  Nice to see my fellow Old Man Alex get a little bump this year.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
40 B_Walton 580 10 1 78 41
39 Turnin2Podcast 581 10 1 75 23
38 RobRains 584 10 1 80 45
37 CardinalHistory 595 10 1 81 48
36 Rinedog1 604 10 1 87 59
35 KaranEsch 606 10 1 80 29
34 cigarmike 639 10 1 101 20
33 johnrabe 645 10 1 89 38
32 peoriachiefs 658 10 1 85 37
31 CardinalsOffDay 695 10 1 92 N/A

Brian Walton is one of the experts in the field of the Cardinals minor leagues and you should be supporting him if at all possible.  Looks like Tito is going to be talking smack to his podcast partner.  Our cigar smoking friend slipped a little this year but probably will bounce back, but folks, you’ve got to stop encouraging Rabe.  The COD podcast is greater than the sum of its parts, it seems.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
30 LangoschMLB 696 10 1 103 30
29 BondsSports 699 10 1 104 36
28 lbundy90 714 10 1 100 27
27 JohnDenton555 720 10 1 114 N/A
26 Sgf_Cardinals 721 10 1 90 33

We’re on our third writer since Jennifer Langosch and she’ll still getting a ton of support–in fact, she was close to overtaking Mr. Denton, the current occupant.  It’s been a while since Crash changed his Twitter handle so I guess it was about time.

And that gets us to the Top 25!  Two posts tomorrow as we continue the countdown!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 51-75Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 21-25 >>

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