Top Cards on Twitter 2022: 125-101

All right, we’re continuing the #TopCardsonTwitter countdown, basically finishing up the triple digits today.  While these folks have some high numbers next to their name when it comes to the rankings, there are still a lot of good follows here.  Let’s dive in!

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
125 ToR_Ron75 189 10 1 30 104
124. GroundRuleDoble 190 10 1 34 114
123 colingarner22 191 9 1 38 105
122 HOFYadi 192 10 1 35 99
121 Matty_Ice99 193 10 1 31 91

You can find Jon writing at Substack if you want to subscribe and you probably should.  On the ballot it was GOATYadi but as far as I can tell the account has changed, most likely in the aftermath of Molina’s retirement.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
120 UncleJedd3 195 10 1 31 153
119 bozoclownputer 197 10 1 39 153
118 CardinalsChat18 198 10 1 32 106
116 MoknowsMinimo 202 10 1 35 98
116 HoothTrevor 202 10 1 35 102
115 StephLuvsSports 208 10 1 32 153
114 GreytBeyond 210 10 1 36 149
113 scoobydeux 210 10 1 35 113
112 todsqd 210 10 1 32 96
111 gr33nazn 215 10 1 37 82

Carter had his podcast going on this year and it was pretty good, though there was a gap in episodes until last week.  Trevor has made a name for himself in prospect evaluation beyond the scope of just the Cardinals.  Our grilling, board-game-playing friend Bob wound up exactly where he did last year.  I heard rumors of a Dennis return recently and I sincerely hope that pans out.

Place Handle Points Max Min # Ballots PY
110 mcginnisbc 210 10 1 33 169
109 carlson2HOF 222 10 1 36 100
108 DrakeMann4 226 10 1 38 92
107 SamSmitty9 229 10 1 38 75
106 MattSebek 231 10 1 47 87
105 AaronMSTL 235 10 1 44 79
104 STLSportsDesk 236 10 1 37 7
103 coleyhiles1 241 10 1 42 110
102 _ChrisLollis 242 10 1 47 80
101 DKleinstuber 242 10 1 40 N/A

Carlson2HOF was Holy_Shildt on the ballot but shifted names in the meantime.  I’m pretty sure our friend Dan Buffa would have been more in line with his normal finish if we’d put his traditional account instead of his new sports account on here.  Nice debut for David, who almost cracked the Top 100!

That’s our first day of work on this project.  We’ll be back tomorrow with three more posts!

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