Top Cards on Twitter 2019: 16-20

We’re deep into the weeds now, with less than 10% of our number left to get through.  This time around, we have three media folk, but which ones?  You’ll have to stick around to find out!

Number 20: Moz_Algorithm
 was suspended permanently for “impersonation”. This will be my new account

On Twitter since: March 2018
Number of Tweets: 5,708
Following: 496
Followers: 3,775

Total points: 674
Average: 7.170
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 23.40%
% that were 1: 6.38%
2018 rank: 10

Moz here actually tied in points with our Number 21, Mr. Buffa, but got the edge due to the higher average per ballot.  Like Dan, Moz also slipped down the rankings 10 places, though I think at least part of that was a lesser presence on Twitter (at least, it felt like I didn’t see him as much).  You can catch Moz on one of the Two Birds on a Bat podcasts, so even if he’s not tweeting as often, you can still get your sabermetric look at the Cardinals!

Number 19: miklasz
Host of No.1 spoken-word morning drive show in STL market at 101ESPN, write many columns at , and proud to contribute to 

On Twitter since: February 2009
Number of Tweets: 39.6K
Following: 1,638
Followers: 142,599

Total points: 696
Average: 7.326
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 20.00%
% that were 1: 3.6%
2018 rank: 16

If you know anything about the St. Louis media, you know about Bernie Miklasz.  The long-time Post-Dispatch scribe gave up his regular spot in the paper to focus on radio, with some writings on the radio website as well as in The Athletic.  You can also hear him regularly during the season podcasting with Will Leitch.  It feels to me that Bernie’s work is a little different than it was in the paper days but I also freely admit that may just be me looking at it from way outside the market.  You’ll definitely know where Bernie is coming from on the issues of the day, however!

Number 18: LangoschMLB
Christian | Wife to Matt | Mother to Audrey |  Senior Content Manager | Recovering Beat Writer (PIT/STL) | Contributor, Cardinals Magazine | Mizzou Made

On Twitter since: July 2009
Number of Tweets: 23.9K
Following: 400
Followers: 71,924

Total points: 704
Average: 8.092
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 31.03%
% that were 1: 1.15%
2018 rank: 3

Jenifer took our biggest tumble of Top 25 folks, sliding all the way from the third spot here.  However, there’s a really good reason for that–she stopped writing the Cardinals, moving on to an editor role with  As you can tell from the average, those that voted for her still hold her in quite high esteem and she’s occasionally filled in for her replacement on the beat, Anne Rogers, during this time of transition.  There’s a bit of out of sight, out of mind, though, and she may slip out of the Top 25 all together next year with her absence.  She did an excellent job on the beat, though, and Cards fans have been fortunate with their reps.

Number 17: vivaelbirdos
 news, notes, & analysis. editors: , & the Red Baron

On Twitter since: November 2009
Number of Tweets: 25.6K
Following: 412
Followers: 23,165

Total points: 705
Average: 7.581
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 23.66%
% that were 1: 3.23%
2018 rank: 19

While Birds on the Black has a ton of cache, most likely the biggest Cardinal blog on the block is still Viva El Birdos.  They’ve had a lot of turnover in the last few years, but there are still a lot of quality articles being posted over at the mothership.  Ben Godar has good stuff on the regular and Ben Clemens is, like Craig Edwards before him, going from VEB to national prominence.  The Twitter feed is a lot of links to their posts, especially in the offseason, but that makes it a solid follow to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Number 16: hochman
Sports columnist, St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Author of 3 books, including: “The Big 50 – Cardinals.” Get it here!  

On Twitter since: October 2008
Number of Tweets: 64.1K
Following: 9,839
Followers: 41,698

Total points: 714
Average: 7.933
Number of ballots:
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 2
% that were 10: 27.78%
% that were 1: 0.00%
2018 rank: 17

Possibly the goofiest member of the St. Louis media slips one spot up this year.  If Mr. Hochman actually read this post, which I doubt he does, he might look at his point total and go “He’s sitting on 714!”  Quirky and energetic, Benjamin covers all things St. Louis, though it looks like his Hosted Ravioli podcast has been put on the back burner.  You don’t get to hear him much on Best Podcast in Baseball either, which is unfortunate.  (It’s also sad since he still has his name on the logo of the show–guess Derrick Goold hasn’t gotten around to changing it.)  Hochman’s not everyone’s cup of tea (though it should be noted he was one of the rare folks to not get a 1) but there’s no doubt he brings some fun to the coverage.

That’ll finish us up for this morning.  This afternoon, we’ll take a look at the ones that fell just short of the top 10!

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