For the fifth straight year, as the Cardinals wrap up the regular season, we spend some time looking at the Cardinal community on Twitter that we just spent six months with (and, this year, have more time together to come!) If you’ve not done this before, you can go back through the posts of the past (all the posts from last year’s series are right here) but it’s a pretty simple process. Below is a link to a form and you can rate any of the people listed from 1 to 10. If there’s a follow (or yourself) that isn’t there, there are five write-in spots at the end of the form. However, there’s one huge point I want to make.
Folks, there are 173 different accounts this year, a number that is frankly probably beyond unwieldy. The odds that you follow every one of these accounts or have an opinion on every one aren’t real high. However, if you rate them a 1, that comes across like you don’t care at all for them rather than having an opinion on them. If you don’t know the person or don’t really have much thought about them, SKIP THEM!
You can assign ratings on whatever you like, though it’d be best if their Cardinal content made up a bulk of your rating. Maybe you like them but they don’t tweet about the Cards enough so you dock a point. Maybe you like their Cardinals stuff and what they have to say about politics, so you bump them up. However you want to do it, it’s all up to you. Give out a lot of 10s, give out very few. Everyone’s going to approach this differently and that’s perfectly fine.
Given that there are so many accounts, I’m putting in a line for next year. Anyone (save write-ins, because anybody written in this year automatically makes the form in 2020) that doesn’t reach 25% of the total ballots submitted will drop off the form. Now, I always ask for submissions so if you drop off, you can ask to be put back on, but it feels like that’s a good way to get a handle on some things. Last year about 30-35 folks didn’t make the 25% mark. We’ll see where it stands this year.
We’ll keep this open until October 21 unless it looks like things are drying up before then. So to vote, click on the following link, put in your Twitter handle, and then get to voting on those that you care about, one way or another. Have fun, share this with others, don’t take it too seriously when the results come out, and thanks for participating!
The 2019 Top Cards on Twitter Form