Top Cards on Twitter 2019: 126-150

OK, I’m not going to link all the various posts on this series because, if you note at the bottom, there’s a handy-dandy navigator to scroll back through the posts in reverse order.  Plus, if you look on the right-hand side of the front page, you’ll see that there is a “Top Cards on Twitter 2019” series link there and you can find all those posts in that spot as well.

Which means there’s a lot less preamble before we get to the names!  I’m sure you are up for that.  Now we look at the folks that fell between #126 and #150.  Most everyone on here was also short of the 25% ballot mark to return next year if I hold to that, which is another reason I might relax that standard a bit.  Onwards!

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2018
150 cardsfan420 119 5.409 10 1 9.09% 22 156
149 FakeSTLMatheny 120 4.800 10 1 8.00% 25 69
148 mdthompFWFB 124 5.167 10 1 8.33% 24 89
147 Matty_ice99 124 5.391 10 1 8.70% 23 NR
146 Buddha6883 125 4.808 10 1 7.69% 26 105
145 DrMilesM5 131 4.367 10 1 3.33% 30 79
144 Diane1611 131 5.240 10 1 8.00% 25 114
143 saraholmesSTL 133 6.045 10 1 9.09% 22 93
142 FWBluesFan 136 5.231 10 1 11.54% 26 98
141 HoothTrevor 140 6.087 10 1 21.74% 23 138

Starting to get consistently into the plus-5 average range, which means these folks are thought of more highly than not.  It was FakeMikeMatheny, but with the former skipper’s new post on the other side of Missouri, that name has been reused for the Royals parody account.  Dr. Miles might be best known for writing the post that got Adam Wainwright all fired up a couple of years ago, but he’s gotten out of the blogging game and is fully focused on his education career.  Diane’s a long-time member of the United Cardinal Bloggers and Trevor Hooth seems to write everywhere.  Does he write here at the Conclave?  I probably should check.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2018
140 BinPiehl 141 5.423 10 1 7.69% 26 108
139 stlcardsminimo 142 5.462 10 1 3.85% 26 101
138 stephenbiscotti 145 5.370 10 1 3.70% 27 129
137 turpin4prez 145 5.370 10 1 7.41% 27 92
136 thestlcardsfan4 149 5.731 10 1 15.38% 26 103
135 TheRedbirdWay 152 6.333 10 1 8.33% 24 148
134 PoppaSwope 155 6.200 10 1 8.00% 25 146
133 uk_cardinals 156 6.000 10 1 11.54% 26 NR
132 lau56 157 4.026 10 1 2.56% 39 153
131 KSCardFan51 159 3.457 10 1 4.35% 46 151

Want to be ready for the London series between the Cardinals and the Cubs next season?  Jump on the bandwagon now and follow our UK friends.  PoppaSwope is another one of the UCB brethren who wrote an excellent piece that was up for Post of the Year this season.  (Oh, shoot, that’s another project I need to finish up!)  We had to go deep into the tiebreakers to separate Mr. Biscotti and our presidential hopeful.  Finally we end this section with a couple of people that, if the average points are any indication, get some folks worked up.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2018
130 McGeeTriples 159 5.129 8 1 0.00% 31 113
129 CardinalsChat18 159 5.889 10 1 22.22% 27 125
128 SMcNeil_87 162 5.786 9 1 0.00% 28 70
127 erikneff86 163 6.037 10 1 14.81% 27 106
126 cardsblog 166 5.724 10 1 6.90% 29 62

We wind up with a lot of bloggers in this last section, as you have the account for Cardsblog here plus two members of STL Hat Trick in Mr. McNeil (another one of my Star Wars folks) and Mr. Neff.  I also want to give credit to Erik, who relayed some very personal information over Twitter this year in an effort for accountability.  That took some real courage and I salute him for that.  I also want to hat tip CardsChat, who was a fixture in The Cardinal Six this season!

All right, that’ll do it for today.  Tomorrow we’ll have three more posts, covering all the way up to #51.  Willie would be so pleased.

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2019: 151-174Top Cards on Twitter 2019: 101-125 >>

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