Dan Buffa

Every day when the Cardinals lineup comes out, twitter stirs. I am sure Mike Matheny pounds out that lineup and has a soft little chuckle as he hits print, send and exits his office. When you have a team like the St. Louis Cardinals streaking towards another playoff appearance and riding the roller coaster of [...]

After a raucous four run first inning from the Cards that provided Joe Kelly with a cushion to begin the second(head over to Aaron Miles Fastball for that recap), The Dodgers come to the plate in the top of the second inning. Due up for the Dodgers-Adrian Gonzalez, Scott Van Slyke and Juan Uribe. Joe [...]

Ladies and gents, I hope your week was swell. Five days off from Cardinals baseball isn’t as bad one would presume. Think about the carefree days you endured. The lack of anxiety. For a few days, you didn’t see a Rosenthal save chance, a Matheny double switch or a Carlos Martinez bat flip. Consider yourself [...]

In case you may not have heard, the American League beat the National League 5-3 on Tuesday night and secured home field advantage in the World Series. That wasn’t the whole story though. Cardinals fans know full well that their two guys, Adam Wainwright and Pat Neshek, surrendered all five runs in their two innings [...]

The great thing about twitter is that it can freelance as an open bar for writers needing help breaking down a topic. Every once in a while, I head there, toss out a topic with heavy artillery attached to it in the open waters and wait for a few bites. When trusted scribes like Corey [...]

The Pregame Rant

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. The Cardinals and The Brewers are set to square off in a pivotal(not crucial) three game set that will close the first half of the season before the All Star Game in Minnesota next week. Coming into Milwaukee, the Cards are 2 games behind the Brewers for first place. [...]

Suddenly, the St. Louis Cardinals are 50-42 and only two games back of the Milwaukee Brewers. After beating the Pittsburgh Pirates for the third straight night on Wednesday, the Cards had stormed back into the forefront of this National League Central Division race. The Pirates came in on the heels of the Cards and have [...]

How things can change inside a week in the game of baseball. If someone ever tries to convince you that this isn’t an emotional game played by mortal souls, please reference them towards the latest 15 game stretch. Baseball is so tricky, demands so much attention but gives back the most reward. For example… Let’s [...]

Going into Monday night’s game, the last Cardinals walk off home run was David Freese in Game 6 of the 2011 World Series(Thank You Joe Schwarz). It had been a severely long time since the Cards hit a walk off bomb at home to seal a victory. Monday night, around the stroke of 11 p.m., [...]

On September 2nd, Jason Motte and the St. Louis Cardinals will promote a special event at Busch Stadium. The Pirates may be in town making an attempt to rob the Cards of a victory, but Motte and the home team will be tackling a different beast. Cancer. The special night is called “2014 Strike Out [...]

This One Is On Matheny

Sure, there are a lot of things one could point to in this game for reasons why a 5-1 lead was blown and the game was lost 6-5. Take your pick. -The Cardinals left 9 runners on base and 6 in the first three innings. -Shelby Miller couldn’t make it through 6 innings and the [...]

75 years ago today, Lou Gehrig told the world that he was the luckiest man on the face of this earth. He said this as he dealt with the most horrible of diseases, and one that attacked every part of his system. A disease that would give him paralysis and make him unable to raise [...]

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