I’m not sure exactly why we look at the Top 25 as where we start our real breakdown. I mean, I’d love to do this for everyone, but as this list expands, it probably would have taken the entire offseason to do so. If you’ve missed the others, the links are below and after that, we’ll just look at the bottom five that made the cut.
The Write-Ins (121-170)
So if you aren’t familiar, the expanded look I referenced includes their Twitter avatar and biography along with a featured tweet, either their pinned tweet or something that has been recently sent out that seems representative. Then we get into the stats before doing a brief synopsis. And, with that in mind…..
Number 25: markasaxon
Senior MLB writer for The Athletic, covering the St. Louis Cardinals
I don’t disagree with people who argue this point (and you put it well). My point is the context isn’t how much profit the team is taking, it’s how much it’s willing to invest in the team. https://t.co/RxKWOc3jrL
— Mark Saxon (@markasaxon) October 18, 2018
On Twitter since: April 2009
Number of Tweets: 17.7K
Following: 1,580
Followers: 28,089
Total points: 476
Average: 6.025
Number of ballots: 79
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 13.92%
% that were 1: 17.72%
2017 rank: 27
It was a bit of a rough year for Saxon, though he did land with The Athletic after having being let go from ESPN the prior year. A couple of stories, one about Jordan Hicks and Bud Norris, one about Mike Matheny and Dexter Fowler, seemed to be contradicted a bit by other reporting. That said, Saxon’s work in The Athletic was always worth reading and even those stories proved that, one way or another, they were often going to be things people would be talking about after the story dropped.
Number 24: Graham_Stl
dogs dogs dogs dogs and dogs
88 wins https://t.co/YLC2AlbnBZ
— graham (@Graham_Stl) October 21, 2018
On Twitter since: December 2014
Number of Tweets: 23.5K
Following: 219
Followers: 587
Total points: 484
Average: 6.914
Number of ballots: 70
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 14.29%
% that were 1: 5.71%
2017 rank: 64
We’ll see that another person has made a large jump into the Top 25 as we go along, but we have to hat tip what Graham has done here. Moving up 40 points, especially with the follower count that he has, is remarkable. Graham’s always interested in poking the bear as well as holding on to his hobby horses and is a regular in the Prospect After Dark chats.
Number 23: johnrabe
St. Louis ex-pat, Cardinals fan. I know Matheny is gone, but I still can’t lay off the guy.
He was Mike Matheny’s bench coach. If you’re a Reds fan, you have to be hoping that Matheny was mostly ignoring him rather than mostly listening to him. #STLCards https://t.co/kttOiXikWB
— John Rabe (@johnrabe) October 20, 2018
On Twitter since: June 2008
Number of Tweets: 42.6K
Following: 589
Followers: 2,585
Total points: 488
Average: 6.971
Number of ballots: 70
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 17.14%
% that were 1: 2.86%
2017 rank: 18
Rabe drops a little bit from last year but still sticks around in the Top 25. He’s not necessarily one to suffer fools gladly–he’d probably tell you that his bio is confirmation of that–but he’s pretty willing to discuss with the opposite side when people approach in good faith. There’s plenty of good discussions that happen with John gets into the mix.
Number 22: cigarmike
Christian, lover of fine cigars, Beautiful City of Memphis, Cardinals, Grizzlies, Razorbacks, fine books, fine conversation. CigarMike is not actually a cigar.
The same people that are now complaining that the Dodgers “bought their way to a pennant” are the same ones that complain that the Cardinals haven’t bought their way to a pennant. Y’all are just goofy. #STLCards
— cigarmike (@cigarmike) October 21, 2018
On Twitter since: January 2009
Number of Tweets: 68.2K
Following: 2,113
Followers: 3,170
Total points: 527
Average: 6.934
Number of ballots: 76
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 1
% that were 10: 13.16%
% that were 1: 2.63%
2017 rank: 23
Mike knows two things. Well, he may know more than two things, but there are two things we can be sure about–cigars and the Cardinals. Many a night will find Mike puffing on a cigar and puffing out opinions about the Redbirds. (For much of the season, they seemed to be about Dexter Fowler.) A Memphian currently, Mike also keeps up with the AAA squad in his city and provides plenty of insights about all things Redbird.
Number 21: VanHicklestein
baseball is fun, in my opinion
Freese loves Puig pic.twitter.com/JZ2lwVQfiw
— that 📼 from the ring (@VanHicklestein) October 21, 2018
On Twitter since: February 2017
Number of Tweets: 29K
Following: 748
Followers: 2,155
Total points: 551
Average: 8.103
Number of ballots: 68
Maximum: 10
Minimum: 2
% that were 10: 33.82%
% that were 1: 0.00%
2017 rank: 19
There are a few folks that are the “go-to folks” for visual imagery when it comes to Twitter and VHS is definitely one of those elites. Pictures, gifs, you name it, you’ll see some great expression of thoughts and ideas in this sort of visual format. Not that he’s completely mute, by any means. VHS may not use a lot of words but he tends to use them with great effect.
All right, 20% of the Top 25 in the books! We’ll see what the next part of the grouping brings us when we get together next time!