Coronavirus Stoppage

And here we go.  Not with games.  Not with deadlines.  Not with anything fun or interesting or joyful.  No, here we go with what baseball seems to do best–labor disputes. Yesterday, the owners voted to send a plan over to the players on reopening the game.  There are details in there about scheduling, travel, and [...]


So it seems that, if the season is going to restart (and that currently sits in the hands of the negotiating table….which doesn’t have hands, but I think you get the point) that there is going to be some sort of expanded rosters for each game and a taxi squad, if you will, of players [...]


“For many generations pitchers were guardians of all aspects of the game.  Before the dark times.  Before the DH.” Yes, the designated hitter is coming to the National League.  It seems like it is a fait accompli, though the actual voting and such hasn’t been done.  It makes some sense for this crazy year of [...]


Let’s assume–which, again, feels fair but also feels like it could be completely crazy–that the season happens this year.  Can you imagine Official Prospect of the Blog Dylan Carlson having a conversation decades from now with his grandchildren? “Grandpa, tell us about your major league debut.  Were all the fans excited to see you play?” [...]


During the course of this whole pandemic thing, finances have been a huge part of the discussion.  As we know, the return of baseball at all in 2020 relies in large part to the owners and the players coming together over financial matters, mainly the pay to the players.  Money makes the world go ’round [...]


First off, sorry to anyone that expected this at the normal 7 AM drop time.  (Given that readership of these is in the single digits, I don’t think anyone really was.)  Forgot to prep this in advance, but gotta keep things going, right? Yesterday, Ken Rosenthal and Evan Drellich (of course) got a copy of [...]

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We know that everything is going to be different in 2020.  We also know that this year is the worst and if something can go wrong, it probably will and spectacularly.  So if baseball actually does return and the players take the field, the potential for injury rears its ugly head.  But they can’t be [...]


A few weeks back, we picked a year and found out what the Cardinals did on that day.  As we continue to wait and see what the players and owners can come up with, let’s spin the wheel again.  Actually, inspired by our conversation with Matthew Leach this past weekend, let’s check on the 2004 [...]


OK, I’ll let you get your “nice” comments out of the way. Now, let’s move on.  For a bit of a change, I went and solicited questions on Twitter for a mailbag post.  These are your questions and these are my answers.  You can make your own determination how good the latter are. Daniel, I’m [...]


Feels like we should do something to mark Day 70, huh?  Let’s reprint the post I wrote soon after the World Series in 2011.  It actually won the Post of the Year voting in the Cardinal Blogger Awards that year as well, which was nice.  We’ll get back to the grind tomorrow! Happily Ever After [...]


Over the last week or so, things have started to shift.  We’ve seen more and more things open up, the weather is becoming better and more summer-like, and proposals for the start of baseball season seem to have gone from Vizzini (inconceivable) to Thanos (inevitable).  But as the purple Titan found out, inevitability has a [...]


Thursday afternoon, we saw this information come across the Twitters. As teams around baseball weigh pay cuts, the Minnesota Twins and St. Louis Cardinals have proven themselves model organizations in how they treat their employees. Both have committed to keeping their full staffs on at full pay through at least the end of June, sources [...]


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