Coronavirus Stoppage

If everything were normal, today might be the day the Cardinals for the first time finalized a 26-man roster.  With the team in Cincinnati getting ready for a mid-afternoon start against the Reds, John Mozeliak and the rest of the front office might have put out a press release today that outlined all of the [...]

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Opening Day.  At least, that’s what the calendar says. Unfortunately, calendars lie in the age of coronavirus.  Today the only baseball you will see is the various classic games MLB is running on all of its platforms.  So you can see David Freese extend the World Series at 10 AM today, even if you can’t [...]


CODNP Day 15: Off Days

After a win or a loss in Cincinnati yesterday, today would have been that dreaded quirk of the early schedule–the off day. Off days like this make sense, of course.  The weather in March is finicky enough that you can’t guarantee a game will be played.  And while you could shift everything around to make [...]


While we daily get deeper into a schedule that has no baseball, the owners and the players have come to some agreement on what it will look like should we get to hear “Play ball!” ring out this year.  Unfortunately, there are also triggers that bring the idea of a completely lost season into play. [...]


As part of the agreement that the owners and players came to this week, there will be a roster freeze from Saturday until camps reopen.  I’m not 100% sure what that means for those that stay on the major league roster but aren’t, you know, major leaguers.  The main one in this camp is Dylan [...]


I’ll be honest, folks.  I don’t know how many many more of these I’ve got in me.  I don’t think I’ve written a post for 18 straight days since….ever. Even in my blogging prime, if there was such a thing, I typically took the weekends off.  To think about stretching this out for another two, [...]


So the coronavirus saw its shadow and now we have two additional weeks of lockdown.  Is that right?  Something like that? The idea that no gatherings larger than 10 can take place before April 30 is, of course, problematic for the return of baseball.  It really probably doesn’t affect it much, since we were looking [...]


20 days.  20 days since the ballfields went quiet.  Every day is a day closer to baseball, true, but until we know that day, it’s impossible to have a countdown or feel like you are getting closer.  Even if we knew it was a guaranteed 50 days away, we could start anticipating and counting down.  [...]


If you are a real, real long time reader of this blog, you might remember when I did book reviews.  I was fortunate to be on some lists that would send books along to be read.  However, the pile got bigger and the reviews stopped happening.  I still have a good stash that I read [...]

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Yesterday, St. Louis’s civil holiday was cancelled. Whenever baseball returns, if it does, it’s going to be hard for a late May/mid-June/early July game to feel like a true home opener, even if it is the first game the Cardinals play at Busch.  The 2020 season is going to have so much baggage that when [...]


CODNP Day 23: Mo Talk

Three plus weeks from the last time a Cardinal threw a competitive pitch and we know probably even less than we did on that Thursday.  After all, back then there was at least the idea that the season would just be delayed a couple of weeks.  Granted, it didn’t take long for that to be [...]


Late on Wednesday night, the Cards put out a tweet that some folks thought might have been an April Fool’s joke. 👀Coming soon… — St. Louis Cardinals (@Cardinals) April 2, 2020 I guess I could see people thinking that it might be a joke, but 1) brands usually try to do their jokes early [...]


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