Top Cards on Twitter 2018: 51-75

In case you haven’t been around for the first part of this series, let’s drop the links to let you catch up.

The Write-Ins (121-170)

There have been a lot of excellent folks already covered so you know that things are just going to get better from here.  Today we have one of my podcast partners, a number of wonderful women, and some bloggers and former bloggers.  So why wait?  Let’s get going!

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2017
75 Toppercoachx3 219 7.065 10 1 19.35% 31 97
74 PrezJohnMo 220 6.286 10 1 5.71% 35 36
73 Drunk_Yadi 225 5.769 10 1 5.13% 39 59
72 MattSebek 226 5.795 10 1 5.13% 39 49
71 Total_CardsMove 226 5.947 10 1 7.89% 38 48
70 SMcNeil_87 229 6.543 10 4 2.86% 35 NR

It’s good that PrezJohnMo keeps changing his handle as John Mozeliak gets different jobs, though it can make it hard to make sure I have the right one on the form.  Matt Sebek isn’t quite as active as he used to be, it doesn’t seem, but if nothing else he’s the architect of one legendary shirt.  Steven McNeil is another blogger/Star Wars fan who has been at UCB Weekend and a part of the podcasts focusing on a galaxy far, far away that I’ve put together.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2017
69 FakeMikeMatheny 230 5.897 10 1 12.82% 39 62
68 amedlock1 231 5.775 10 1 5.00% 40 39
67 PinkDaisy08 238 4.958 10 1 6.25% 48 82
66 KeeneMLB 240 5.854 10 1 12.20% 41 10
65 CardsNation13 245 6.282 10 1 2.56% 39 56
64 AshleyMClark92 246 6.308 10 1 10.26% 39 57
63 deckacards 247 5.255 10 1 4.26% 47 35
62 cardsblog 247 5.881 10 1 2.38% 42 46
61 TheJJBailey 248 7.294 10 2 17.65% 34 30

There’s my regular Meet Me at Musial podcast partner Allen Medlock coming in at 68.  Wes Keene has barely tweeted this year, which is why he dropped way out of the top 10, but those that remember the old days still seemed to rate him fondly.  Kevin Reynolds had a, shall we say, interesting start to the year and that plus his subsequent Twitter silence may have played a role in him dropping here.  J.J. Bailey does good stuff and you can tell by that high average that many find his stuff quite good.

Place Handle Points Average Max Min %10 Ballots 2017
60 lil_scooter93 250 6.579 10 1 13.16% 38 34
59 Carly_Schaber 251 5.340 10 1 2.13% 47 37
58 CareyOnCards 255 6.538 10 1 2.56% 39 NR
57 johnjf125 255 6.538 10 1 17.95% 39 29
56 b_g_h 256 6.095 10 1 11.90% 42 45
55 LanceDance1 262 6.895 10 1 13.16% 38 52
54 DrunkFredbird 280 6.222 10 1 8.89% 45 40
53 JodiUmo 288 6.857 10 2 14.29% 42 NR
52 TheBaseballGuy1 291 5.820 10 1 8.00% 50 38
51 triveratops 295 7.375 10 1 17.50% 40 83

Scooter is one of the longest-lasting Viva El Birdos folks and, among other things, does a regular links post of all things Cardinals.  (Feel free to add this, Heather!)  CareyOnCards is now part of the Team of Rivals podcast, so you can hear her over there trying to class the place up.  John Fleming had a busy year as a blogger, leaving VEB and starting up STL Bullpen.  Looks like Adam Butler can claim Bird Law podcaster bragging rights, outdistancing his partner Rusty Groppel.  JodiUmo is well known for her daily graphical representation of the Cardinals’ results.  There are few that can stir up a discussion better than TheBaseballGuy and Tito became a dad this year and as such doesn’t care a lick for this list.

One more list post like this before we get into a more in-depth look at the top 25.  Still plenty of folks left to talk about!

Series Navigation<< Top Cards on Twitter 2018: 76-100Top Cards on Twitter 2018: 26-50 >>

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