Top Cards on Twitter 2016: 11-15

We continue to move up our rankings.  Sorry, no long-distance dedications or great stories to go along with these entries, a la Casey Kasem.  Seriously, you don’t want to hear from me, you want to see the results.  So here we go!

Number 15: miklasz
New lease on life; proud to host show on 101 ESPN, and write for . Happiness. Thanks for the love and support

On Twitter since: February 2009
Number of Tweets: 36.4K
Following: 1,363
Followers: 112K

Number of ballots: 27
First place votes: 0
Highest rank: 2nd
Total points: 421
2015 rank: 10

I’ll be honest, it feels like I think about Bernie less now that he’s moved from the Post-Dispatch to ESPN101, given that I don’t listen to his radio show.  I don’t think he interacts on Twitter quite like he used to do either, though that well may be just my opinion or me missing out when he’s on.  He did slip some in the standings, so maybe I’m not the only one with those thoughts.

Number 14: CrashSTL
Offseason Crash. More laid back.

(Crash is currently private, as many Cardinal fans are after the World Series, and so I can’t embed a Tweet.)

On Twitter since: January 2016
Number of Tweets: 4,060
Following: 665
Followers: 1,201

Number of ballots: 31
First place votes: 0
Highest rank: 2nd
Total points: 422
2015 rank: 22

Crash, who was listed on the ballot under one of his aliases last year (CardinalRants), tends toward the more critical or passionate (depending on your point of view, I guess) view of the club.  There’s no doubt he feels every bump in the road, but he enjoys the highs quite a bit as well.

Number 13: b_g_h
(No bio)

On Twitter since: November 2010
Number of Tweets: 32.5K
Following: 363
Followers: 1,876

Number of ballots: 30
First place votes: 0
Highest rank: 4th
Total points: 451
2015 rank: 14

Ben, who I believe was still site manager (or had just turned it over) at Viva El Birdos last year when we did the survey, didn’t take a hit for being less in the public view this time around.  Unsurprisingly, he’s got an analytical view of the club and you’ll usually feel smarter for reading through his Twitter timeline.

Number 12: CardinalTales
Former St. Louis resident and long time fan of the Cardinals and Blues, amateur radio operator and music collector.

On Twitter since: May 2008
Number of Tweets: 132K
Following: 1,817
Followers: 3,233

Number of ballots: 31
First place votes: 0
Highest rank: 2nd
Total points: 453
2015 rank: 5

Warning: Never read Bob’s feed while hungry.  A master griller, Bob’s almost always got a scrumptious steak or another meat highlighting his dinner and he’s not shy about sharing it.  When he’s talking about the Cardinals, he’s usually a big fan of the players, though management of late is a different story.  You’ll also learn about shortwave radio, so it’s a true Renaissance Man feed.

Number 11: StlWinn
Sports-junkie who’s also nerd-curious (). Unique blend of positivity & sarcasm. Resides in a network of tunnels beneath Busch Stadium.

On Twitter since: February 2011
Number of Tweets: 31.4K
Following: 87
Followers: 1,441

Number of ballots: 29
First place votes: 0
Highest rank: 2nd
Total points: 477
2015 rank: 9

If you were one of the tens that read the Skyweaver saga, you know all about what Daniel Winnett can do when it comes to Photoshop and other visual media.  Beyond the fact that this can be a very fun multi-media experience, Daniel’s big about all things St. Louis.  He tends toward the more positive side of things, though that’s not an absolute.  (Then again, there are very few that you could say that about!)

All right, just the Top 10 to go!  Be sure to check back!

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