We’re getting into the big time now, as these are the folks that sit just outside the top 10 accounts that people should follow, as chosen by Cardinal Twitter*. Odds are, if you are on Twitter, you are following these folks but if not, you might want to correct that.
*At least, the 26 or so Twitterers that cast a vote
Number 15: TexasCardsFan1 (locked)
I tweet about Cardinal baseball 99% of the time.
On Twitter since: November 2011
Number of Tweets: 40K
Approximate average Tweets/month: 800
Following: 1,504
Followers: 1,660
Number of ballots: 6
First place votes: 0
Total points: 107
Of course, as soon as I say that, I find that our first one of this post I wasn’t actually following, plus he’s a protected account so I can’t even bluff like I know what I’m talking about. I’ve corrected that now, but I believe I’ve had a few interactions with him in the past and not had a single problem, plus over 20% of those participating suggested him. That’s got to mean something, right?
Number 14: b_g_h
(No bio)
The BBWAA's collective ignorance has made it so I no longer care about the HOF, MVP, CY, or ROY. In other words the BBWAA killed my chilhood
— Imperator bgh (@b_g_h) November 19, 2015
On Twitter since: November 2010
Number of Tweets: 29.6K
Approximate average Tweets/month: 500
Following: 336
Followers: 1,954
Number of ballots: 7
First place votes: 0
Total points: 113
Ben, until just recently the site manager at Viva El Birdos, is exactly what you’d expect from someone that was so beloved by that community. He’s rational, reasonable, statistically-based, and a long-time fan of the Cardinals. It’ll be interesting to see how he does Twitter now that he’s stepped back from writing, but I imagine it’ll still be a feed worth following for lots of good insights.
Number 12 (tie): stlcupofjoe
Pharmacist (PharmD) via @butleru |@vivaelbirdos editor | Blessed |#GoDawgs
Good morning. Jim Edmonds is a Hall of Famer. Have a great day.
— stlCupofJoe (@stlCupofJoe) November 19, 2015
On Twitter since: May 2010
Number of Tweets: 37.2K
Approximate average Tweets/month: 550
Following: 643
Followers: 3,663
Number of ballots: 7
First place votes: 0
Total points: 126
I’ve been a fan of Joe’s ever since he started his original blog and it’s continued as he’s moved on to Viva El Birdos (which, typically, is where all the good sabermetrically-inclined Cardinal writers tend to wind up). Joe’s going to talk more than baseball on his timeline, though the non-sports stuff is more limited than some of the others in our list, but he mainly keeps the focus on the real sport even in this time of football and basketball. Follow him while you can, because if David Ortiz is elected into the Hall of Fame, he’s done baseball writing for good.
Number 12 (tie): drewsilv
Writer for http://NBCSports.com ‘s @Rotoworld_BB & @HardballTalk. ‘Baseball is the sport of a democracy, where the only requirement is talent.’
People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. Watch a stream of Shia LeBeouf watching Shia LaBeouf.
— Drew Silva (@drewsilv) November 11, 2015
On Twitter since: December 2008
Number of Tweets: 42.7K
Approximate average Tweets/month: 500
Following: 316
Followers: 17,100
Number of ballots: 7
First place votes: 0
Total points: 126
Drew’s got a more national profile, writing for both NBC’s Hardball Talk site as well as for Rotoworld, but doesn’t deny his Cardinal allegiance (it’s right there in his avatar). Being in St. Louis, he does tend to have a good bit of Cardinal talk in his timeline, even as he looks around baseball in general as well. He’s good about interacting with folks (and was nice enough to do a Conversations a while back, which was cool).
Number 11: hochman
Sports columnist, St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Co-host, Best Podcast In Baseball (Listen on iTunes:https://itun.es/us/ETI_Y.c ). I learned the game from William Wesley
David Ortiz retiring after 2016 season. He also just got another hit in the 2013 World Series.
— Benjamin Hochman (@hochman) November 17, 2015
On Twitter since: October 2008
Number of Tweets: 38.3K
Approximate average Tweets/month: 450
Following: 6,161
Followers: 31,800
Number of ballots: 8
First place votes: 0
Total points: 137
Even though he’s only been back in St. Louis for a few months now, Benjamin has already made an impact on the Cardinal faithful. (I also appreciate the use of the full Benjamin most of the time, as my son does the same.) His irrepressible energy comes through on the Best Podcast in Baseball and he seems to be having a lot of fun returning to his home town after his exile to Denver. As the Post-Dispatch‘s sports columnist, it’s not surprising you’ll find a wide variety of topics on his timeline, both sporting and non-sporting. He’s pretty good about noting Tweets he’s tagged in, which is not something you can always say for the media types.
All right, 140 (or so) down, 10 more to go. Come back later today and we’ll take a look at the bottom half of the top 10!
The rest of the series
Runners-Up (Part I)
Runners-Up (Part II)