Pitchers Hit Eighth

The inevitable rise of the price for an ice cold domestic beer delivered in a 16 ounce aluminum bottle by a beer vendor clad in yellow concerns me.  The looming threat that yelling “Keep the change!” will no longer be met with the same sincere nod of appreciation it has for years hurts my soul.  [...]

It’s a simple question without a definitive answer, and it’s part of the pregame in a public relations struggle that Major League Baseball could face in the near future.  Is MLB prepared to handle a Colin Kaepernick-level social injustice protest moment in baseball? Unlike the NFL which was caught unawares when Kaepernick first took a [...]

Yesterday’s announcement that the Cardinals had removed the “interim” tag from Mike Shildt’s title set off a minor Shildt storm of reactions.  Before the BFiB could fully digest the news, Gyorko came up lame, and the “ZOMG Donaldson 4ever” groupies began chiming in with a new take on an old narrative.  Toss the Girardi fanboys [...]

When Nationals tosser Matt Grace plunked Matt Carpenter in the hand last night, the 2018 NL MVP also-ran’s season passed before my eyes (or at least the last two months of it did).  The team’s playoff chances potentially hinged on the outcome of an X-ray, and I was all in favor of exacting a pound [...]

Saying that MLB has a diversity problem is like saying that James Gunn may regret some old tweets. Everybody knows, but reaching a consensus on how to move forward means facing an obstacle in front of a deadlock covered with an impasse. We shall overcome, but overcoming takes many things, and the greatest of these [...]

If you want to debate what actually constitutes a “Most Valuable Player”, then take your semantics-loving butt down the hall and to the right.  Look for the “EXIT” sign, open the door, and heave yourself through it.  I’m here to kick names, take butt, and make an overtly unremarkable case for some potential NL MVP [...]

Shildt Show

The Cardinals stumbled through the end of Mike Matheny‘s tenure like Mike Shannon making a bathroom run in extra innings.  Consequently, the 2018 season may already be a goner, but at least Mike no longer has the keys to the company vehicle.  Mike Shildt now has the enviable task of driving the bus under which [...]

With the changes in the Conclave roster, it seemed a good time to let you, our readers, know a little bit more about the guys that you are reading, whether they are coming over from The Redbird Daily or have been a part of the Conclave for a while.  So I (Daniel Shoptaw, also known [...]

With the changes in the Conclave roster, it seemed a good time to let you, our readers, know a little bit more about the guys that you are reading, whether they are coming over from The Redbird Daily or have been a part of the Conclave for a while.  So I (Daniel Shoptaw, also known [...]

Last night the Phillies somehow managed to put the Cardinals in position to win, and the Cardinals found a way to take the loss anyway.  When Mike Matheny retires as manager of the team 30 years from now having won zero World Series titles, this game summary should scroll across the bottom of the screen. [...]

Remember that time Anthony Rizzo went out of his way to initiate contact with Padres catcher Austin Hedges on a play at the plate last year?  Maybe not, but perhaps you should freshen up on that incident.  Rizzo absolutely leveled Hedges, and MLB determined that his slide had violated rule 6.01(i).  No fine.  No suspension.  [...]

When the Orioles shop Manny Machado, any destination in the AL works great.  Sending him to the NL West?  Splendid.  NL East?  Could be worse.  The NL Central?  That sounds like a positively dreadful idea.  If that somehow happens, then please don’t let it be the Cubs.  Just not the Cubs.  Anybody but the Cubs.  [...]

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