Exit Interview: Kevin Siegrist

Last year, I spent the time immediately after the season examining each player that had made an appearance in St. Louis during the season.  This series was well received and so I’m bringing this idea back for the 2013 offseason.  More summaries than anything, I imagine the player coming into Mike Matheny‘s office and having a short conference before heading home for the winter.  Stats are just the ones accumulated for the Cardinals during the regular season.

This year’s Exit Interview series is brought to you by Bonfyre.  A large number of the United Cardinal Bloggers used Bonfyre all season long and found it a great way to interact and discuss things in a limited audience.  No need to worry about some pseudo-fan crashing your Facebook conversation or trying to explain fine points in 140 characters on Twitter. Invite who you want to the group and get to talking.  Share pictures as well–Bonfyre is a great way to document parties or other events, especially for folks that can’t be there.  Sign up today and give it a try.

Name: Kevin Siegrist

Season stats: 3-1, 0.45 ERA, 45 games, 39.2 IP, 17 H, 18 BB, 50 K, 0.88 WHIP

Hero/Goat: Hero 2, Goat 1

Overall grade: A

Positives: While I’m sure some people were aware of Siegrist, for me he basically came out of nowhere and burst fully formed onto the scene.  He went his first 12 innings without giving up a run and only gave up two hits in that span as well.  He struck out over a batter an inning and was equally effective against righties as he was against lefties.  In his limited time his ERA+ was 808, which is insane.

Negatives: Siegrist didn’t have the same success in the postseason as he’d had all year.  He did wind up with a 3.00 ERA, he allowed runs in three of his nine outings, including a bomb of a home run to David Ortiz in Game 1 of the World Series.  While that didn’t make a difference in the outcome of that game, it well may have influenced how Matheny used him and Randy Choate throughout the Series.

Outlook: Assuming that it was more fatigue and less the league figuring him out, Siegrist should be another key member of the bullpen again next year.  He won’t post a sub-1.00 ERA, but he could be turned into a very effective seventh or eighth inning man if the Cards don’t use him as a lefty specialist, which, if this year was any indication, would be a waste of his abilities.

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