Running on Empty

Today normally would be one of the high points in a baseball season. Besides the Draft and sometimes the Winter Meetings, I look forward to trade deadline day for any number of reasons. No one needs to hear me say this is anything close to a normal campaign and honestly, the Cardinals want something not on the menu.

St. Louis might surprise and make a deal before taking on the Reds but a day off would actually be just what the Birds on the Bat truly need. That technically is due to happen on a travel day after the series with Cincy but how the roster looks going to Chicago later this week is anyone’s guess.

The Cards will be bringing a couple of reinforcements on the road but for every addition moving forward the subtraction may or may not be the end of the road for a number of players. Roster math gives me a headache so really the only number that matters today and this week will be how many DFA’s show up in the transactions.

Without taking a deep dive into the abyss, it truly is remarkable how St. Louis has been able to rebound from some very lackluster moments. Adam Wainwright literally cranked back the clock a decade and was vintage Waino in saving an already gassed bullpen. That can’t be underestimated when heading to the bandbox the Reds call home.

A number of rookie hurlers haven’t seen that ballpark yet, and any possible additions from outside the organization most likely don’t factor in before the Wrigley fun starts. That means Dakota Hudson and KK really need to continue to go deep into games in order to allow Mike Shildt the ability to pick his spots.

No one said this year would be easy, but the Cardinals find themselves battling odds never before seen and not making excuses along the way. It has been a grind without a doubt so as the calendar prepares to hit September, all eyes at least for today will be on who makes a deal to improve. Or as is seemingly always the case in St. Louis, what trick does Mo have up his sleeve this time.

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