Getting the June Swoon Over Early

This one is going to be short and sweet because that is basically the best way to sum up the first two months of the 2017 baseball calendar. And as bad as things have looked, the National League Central has produced some rather bizarre standings to say the least as we prepare for June. Milwaukee and Cincy were not the two teams anyone outside of those fan bases (and maybe in) would have predicted to lead most of the way thus far but that’s why we continue to follow the great game.

On the positive side, just look at how amazing the starting pitching has been and well, we should probably end there. Jedd has been a revelation although he still is the nomad of the Cardinals and most likely to get bumped when the big trade happens. If forced to come up with a third positive with one day left in May, I would cautiously say the Memphis depth has been put on notice and results so far say they are ready to contribute.

Nothing has so far gone as planned in St. Louis, however, and there just will not be nearly enough time to go into all the details. Let’s just say the Birds on the Bat are damn lucky to still be close enough to even consider making a move or two with the postseason in mind. The biggest issue with trades has always been finding the right dance partner, and that encouraging depth at the AAA will surely be tested as very little on the big league roster is tempting.

And that’s where we stand now except for one very important element that Derrick Goold just happened to toss in at the tail end of his chat here. Lost in the shuffle of all the bad with other pitchers getting more publicity on the good side is one Lance Lynn. To be completely honest, I did a triple-take after reading that DG’s sources have Lynn wanting a deal that starts in the 100 million range. No, that’s not a typo and the 31 year old who is all the way back from surgery has said all the right things.

Please take a minute to read that last paragraph again and then promptly click this link while I wait. Having money to spend is one thing but unless Lynn learned to hit clean-up while injured, the Cards need to take a pass. The hope has to be a realistic middle ground but where and why to be honest? Lynn may very well be the trade chip needed this year before he gets his payday outside the NL Central. Even if he does strike a deal with a divisional rival, am I crazy to think the comps are wrong?

Mike Leake, if you want to go the comparison route, had youth on his side and a clean bill of health. Some argued against that deal which is now positioned to be one of the better under-the-radar moves especially with the way pitchers are becoming more fragile by the minute. Lynn has always been a team guy and one who deserves more credit in my opinion, but June just got more interesting as far as I am concerned.

Alex Reyes will be back in 2018 and plenty of others are there to fill in the 6th spot once Lynn is gone. If a deal does get ironed out, though, that puts the Luke Weavers of the organization on notice to have their bags packed well in advance of August first. On the other hand, it is much more realistic for St. Louis to float Lynn’s name out there to see what the return may be before losing him. The new qualifying offer rules may impact the decision as well, but the Cardinals need offense in the worst way.

If getting the power bat desperately needed takes Lynn to do it, I can think of $100 million reasons to pull the trigger on that deal. And with no draft to keep me occupied, I will be paying much more attention each time Lance’s spot in the rotation comes up as the clock is ticking. No one knows who will blink first, but it will be fascinating to watch unfold.

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