Riding The Cardinals Roller Coaster…

For those of you from St. Louis, you’re probably familiar with Six Flags over Mid-America. For people, not from that area, Six Flags is our local amusement park, full of roller coasters and other fun things. I haven’t been there in ages, but I still remember my favorite ride, the Screaming Eagle roller coaster.

As I was taking a trip down memory lane, my mind took a leap and thought about the Cardinals season as a roller coaster ride. The Cardinals Coaster.

The Cardinals Coaster is an unusual ride. Every time you expect it to drop, it climbs. Expecting a big drop after recent injuries? Nope, it turns out to be a very small drop until it climbs again.

Or how about a small drop after Waino lost the duel with Yoenis Cespedes? No drop at all there, thanks to a little Yadi magic.

Or a drop facing Jose Fernandez? Nope, a big climb there, thanks to Fernandez’ buddy, Aledmys Diaz.

We did have a bit of a drop these past few days after facing Fernandez against the Marlins, who’re a fellow Wild Card contender, due to a pair of losses (including an ugly 11-0 loss.)

All of this is happening next to a bigger, flashier ride known as the Cubs Coaster. The Cubs Coaster gets all the press, got the biggest renovation (The Aroldis Chapman spire) whereas the Cards spend wisely on the smaller Zach Duke spire.

This has been true since the beginning of the season. The Cubs have gotten all the attention, while everyone else in the NL seems to just be along for the ride. Everybody and their uncle has been predicting the Cubs will win the series, and the Chapman trade will only increase those expectations. Meanwhile the Cards are fighting for the wild card. While many people are disappointed with that, just remember, in 2006 we didn’t even win 85 games (we won 83) yet we made the playoffs and won a title. Keep the faith Cards fans.


Quick Hits:

1) Nine Best Deadline Deals Of All Time

2) This Years Trade Deadline Winners And Losers

3) Well This Isn’t Good…


As always, thanks for reading.

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