UCB Round Table: Who Would You Trade For?

Recently I participated in a UCB Round Table Chast, and when it was my turn, I simply asked if there was anyone people would trade for, why, and who they would offer in the deal. Here’s the replies.

Doug V
Hope everyone is having a good morning.

I’m a creative guy, and one thing i like to do is come up with trades, which is why I enjoyed the question earlier this week regarding 3 specific trades.

Let’s get a bit less specific though. If you could trade for anyone, who would it be? Why? And who would you trade to get them that the other team would reasonably accept?

No example here, as I want you guys to come up with trades, not debate mine. I’ll chime in later.

Dan Buffa
Easiest answer ever. Giancarlo Stanton.

You guys want power and I give you Giancarlo. He could hit fourth, play right field, move Jason Heyward to center field, and give the Cards that KO punch they so desperately need.

The Marlins don’t want to pay Stanton all that money. No way. Why not trade him in his sweet young prime? They will eventually trade him and there is an opt out clause after 2020. It’s a big contract and a lot of money but if you want stand up in this game and bark, you better have some bite. And guts to make it happen. Nothing comes cheap.

You give the Marlins a buffet of Randal Grichuk, Kolten Wong, Lance Lynn, Jaime Garcia, and Matt Adams. Tell them to pick 3. The Marlins need more than Giancarlo and could build a strong young team under Don down there. They get young starters in Grichuk and Wong and a starter in Garcia or Lynn to bolster their staff. It’d be worth it. Trust me.

Giancarlo rolls into right field, Heyward goes to center field, and Stephen Piscotty plays first base and backs up Matt Holliday in left field. Carp moves to second base and Jhonny Peralta to third and Aledmys Diaz gets a showcase at shortstop unless the Cards bring in a guy like Ben Zobrist.

You ask me to dream big, and I did. I could have bored you with Zobrist, David Price or Chris Davis but I have always wanted Stanton. He is exactly what the Cards need. Game changing power. He’s had injuries but the last two have been freakish. He got beamed in the face by a pitch and he broke his hand while fouling off a pitch. His knee has held up fine the past two years.

He’s my guy. And what’s the sweetest thing. He only makes 9 million dollars in 2016. When he starts making big bucks(2023-25), the TV deal for the Cards is in full swing.

Joshua and Christi Gilliam
I see your answer and raise you with mine. All in, Casino Royale style! That monopoly money given to Stanton can stay in South Beach
Nolan doesn’t have the injury history and can be packaged with a SS!

Dan Buffa
Rockies won’t let Arenado go if you sent Statham to persuade them. All that control! If they held onto Tulo for all those years, they won’t let Nolan go.

Stanton is just as good of a fit and the recent injury history is freakish instead of repetitive. He’s a beast. Pay the man his money. It’s not Monopoly money for a guy who can put up MVP caliber numbers in half a season.

Joshua and Christi Gilliam
We are supposed to be dreaming here Buffa! No way I give up what that nutcase Loria would ask for anyway so the years of control is what makes the Colorado play fun. Sure, it will never happen but a blogger can hope!

Dan Buffa
Dreaming we are lets just say I’m a little more closer to reality yet the result still tastes so good. I’ll give Loria what he wants for a commodity like Stanton. That’s my dream grab.

The Tomasiks
Paul Goldschmidt would be the ideal batter to boost the Cardinals’ offense and he would fit a need at first base. Terrific on-base percentage as well as power.

I’d offer the Diamondbacks a package of Luke Weaver, Matt Adams and Seth Maness.

Daniel Shoptaw
Well, after reading these, there’s only one way to top what I’ve seen. I’m sticking Lance Lynn, Randal Grichuk and Luke Weaver into the TARDIS and swapping them for the 2001 version of Albert Pujols.

Goldschmidt is the guy that initially came to mind, because he plays a position well that the Cardinals desperately need. I’d probably do something of that nature, maybe even with the names above, but I really, really like Bill’s thinking about Bryce Harper.

Doug V
I like a lot of the ideas. I’m going to follow Buffas idea and dream big. While I’m a fan of many players mentioned, especially Votto, there’s one guy I’ve always admired for his all around game: Andrew McCutchen. I’d offer Grichuk and their choice of several top minor league prospects. No he’s not a boomer like Stanton, and doesn’t have Vottos discipline (though he did have a .400 obp last year) he’s just a really good all around player.

There you have it. This was fun and enjoyable, and I look forward to next year. Thanks for the great responses guys, and I hope to get even more next year!

As always, thanks for reading.

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