The ALS Ice Bucket challenge was fantastic and helped shed light on a terrible disease. With that in mind, a couple trusted twitter followers and myself have come up with a new challenge. For baseball fans around the country. Maybe the world. This challenge will be a stiff test for men mostly, at least the ones who like to rock flip flops in October. So what is it? What is the new challenge started by @Dizzy17STL and Tara Wellman(@taraWellman) as well as myself?

It’s simple. It’s The Octoeber Challenge. Or the Red October Challenge where you paint your toenails red for the entire run of the playoffs. Or the entire month of October. You can also just paint them red once and not scrape it off in the shower the next night. That is it. Men, shift your testosterone and macho exterior aside and do something for a good cause. What cause or charity might you wonder? For St. Louis Cardinal fans, it will be Cardinals Care. For fans around the country, pick a local non profit organization and donate money to it.
What are the official rules?
1.) Accept the challenge, donate 10 dollars and supply a pic via Twitter of your nails painted Cardinal Red or your team colors. No exceptions gents. I don’t think women will have a problem slapping some shiny new toenail polish on. This challenge will separate the men from the boys and the timid from the brave. Supply a pic or it doesn’t count. If it hurts too much to come to gym with red toenails, wear shoes for a month. It’s not exactly beach weather outside in St. Louis at the moment, so it won’t mess too much with your style.
2.) You can participate, decline the toe nail polish but you have to donate 20 dollars to your local charity of choice.
Why do this? Well, why do anything different in your everyday life that happens to support a good cause and unites fans around the world? Sometimes, it’s good to set aside your own personal comfort for the greater good. It happens more than you like. You try to make your kids laugh by dancing and being a goofball in front of his or her class? You rock a dress to repay a debt on a bet lost to a friend. One has to admit there is a certain unique feeling of being alive when you dare to do something a bit different.
In the mean time, you support a charity or organization that needs all the help it can get.
So, do you accept this challenge? It can officially kick off now or on the first day of the Major League Baseball playoffs? If your team didn’t make the playoffs, participate anyway. The starting wager is to paint your toenails red and donate money. After that, no subsequent pics are needed. You can choose to keep them red all month or just do it once.
The idea here is doing something fun, creative and plugging it into supporting a good cause while cheering on your team in the playoffs.

The goal is to raise 5,000 by the end of the playoffs. That’s a little more than a week to get this rolling. It’s ambitious, but as Charles told me today, “Aim low and you will get low.” So we are aiming high. Spread this around and make it catch. By the end, all will have painted toenails and hearts that open just a little wider.
One more thing…Go Cards!
Contact me for details at or on Twitter, @buffa82.
This is a good Idea! I posted it on Facebook, why don’t you!