Joe Kelly doesn’t look thrilled to be in Boston

Well if this isn’t the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.

The same Joe Kelly who we grew to know and love for his hilarious personality now looks like a sick puppy on a Sarah McLachlan infomercial after being traded to Boston.

Even Allen Craig, following a double in his Red Sox debut the other night, had the look of a guy who still has a lot on his mind.


Dang. This upcoming series is going to be tough for all of us.


[Vine via @Daniel_Doelling]


You can reach Cole Claybourn at or follow him on Twitter at @HighSock_Sunday.

  • Buddhasillegitimatechild38 August 4, 2014, 11:51 am

    Maybe we can cheer him up with an anthem stand off with Shelby?

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