The 12 Days of Cardinal Christmas, Day 3

One of the earliest Cardinal blogs on the Internet was Fungoes, written by Matt Philip.  It was a sabermetric-centric site as that sort of outlook was just coming into fashion.  Pip was a great guy, a fun blogger to read, and the fact that he’s not only gotten away from that writing but also let the website lapse is a loss to us all.

One of Pip’s traditions each year was to cover the 12 days of Christmas from a Cardinal perspective, using numbers generated from the past season.  You’ll find the 2014 one here thanks to the Internet Archive.  I didn’t do as much digging or have as much flair as Pip did, but I’ve gone ahead and decided to try to resurrect the concept.  I’m a little behind because this didn’t occur to me until this morning, so we’ll do the first three today and then you’ll have to keep coming back for the rest!

On the third day of Christmas, my Cardinal love gave to me

Three Patron saves,
Two Cardinal stars,
And an unmovable Yadi.

  1. Yadier Molina played in 136 games and had more at-bats (501) than any other Cardinal.  He was second in games played to Matt Carpenter but had more starts at one position than Carp did.
  2. Molina and Carlos Martinez were selected to represent the Cardinals in the All-Star Game in Miami.
  3. Tyler Lyons, the Patron Pitcher of the blog, picked up three saves this season, the most of any pitcher never assigned the ninth inning.  It’s also my blog and there was going to be a Patron Pitcher reference.

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