Top Cards on Twitter 2016: 26-49

OK, last time out we went over the first batch of the Twitter accounts.  As I said before, if you have thoughts on how better to do this, I’m definitely willing to listen.  Until then, though, perhaps give a follow to some in this batch of Cardinal Twitterers. Remember, if a tie could be broken the one that showed up on the fewer ballots “wins”.

Place Handle Points Firsts 2015
49 thestlcardsfan4 21 0 111
46 BinPiehl 21 0 N/A
46 CardsNation13 21 0 121
46 kluttz_fan 21 0 N/A
45 elichap822 22 0 N/A
44 BlogOfTheirOwn 23 0 69
43 Drunk_Yadi 25 1 N/A
42 ryan_stl1 27 0 32
41 TheJJBailey 30 0 99
40 Carly_Schaber 31 0 104

Again, it’s surprising that some of these names didn’t get more support, though that could be part of the problem with this year’s setup.  Beth Chapman has her own blog, Carly Schaber is writing in various places these days, and I always enjoy it when BlogOfTheirOwn is active.  Lots of good people here, which should give you an idea of how much quality there is up and down this list.

Place Handle Points Firsts 2015
38 CoreyRudd 32 0 84
38 johnrabe 32 0 34
37 cigarmike 33 0 39
36 CFBalla 35 0 N/A
35 DrunkFredbird 40 0 72
34 FWBluesFan 41 0 46
33 cardinalsgifs 48 0 N/A
32 tag_gator 49 1 N/A

Corey Rudd typically has a spicy take to dish out and John Rabe’s a lot of fun as well.  Our cigar man is one of the few Twitter folks that I’ve met in person. Just because I’m not listing out stuff about everyone doesn’t mean that they aren’t worth following or that I don’t enjoy interacting with them.  I just don’t figure you want to read a 1,000 word post.

There was a pretty good gap between tag_gator and our next Twitterer when it came to the points, so that seemed a good place to break for our final table before the top 25.

Place Handle Points Firsts 2015
31 elmaquino 66 0 41
30 cardsblog 75 3 N/A
29 2xbirds 89 2 N/A
28 lil_scooter93 95 0 38
27 johnjf125 106 0 47
26 bschaeffer12 121 0 N/A

Some interesting pairings here.  Maq and Chase together do the Double Birds Podcast while John and Heather (who you may remember joined me recently) do the VEB one.  Plus Cardsblog and Brendon may have been the only two accounts that actively campaigned for votes, which was pretty cool.  It also apparently worked, especially for Brendon, who piled up the most points for anyone not actually on the list.

We’ll start in on the Top 25 in our next entry.  It probably won’t be as detailed as last year’s, but we’ll see what we can do.

  • Buddhasillegitimatechild38 November 8, 2016, 12:21 pm

    #WCT dominating 25-36, woot woot

    • Cardinal70 November 8, 2016, 12:45 pm

      I’ve got to do something about next year. A good number of these accounts probably could/should be higher.

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