
Been kind of a depressing week in the world of Cardinals Baseball this week. First was the whole hacking scandal, which I won’t get into as I’m sure it’s been talked about way too much already, and will be rubbed in our faces by every Cubs/Pirates/Reds/Brewers fan on the face of this earth I’m sure, and other fans too.

Add to that to the fact that the Cardinals offense, which had been doing pretty good, hasn’t scored more than four runs in 12 games. Thankfully, our pitching staff has held the fort, and we’ve gone 7-5 in that stretch. That won’t last forever, even with the fact that we have a strong pitching staff.

Indeed, the cracks are already starting to show. We lost the last two games to the over-achieving Twins by the scores of to one and two to one, respectively, wasting good starts by Carlos Martinez and Jaime Garcia.

And I think everybody else,  as i mentioned above, is loving it. I personally separate what’s happening in the front office from what’s happening on the field, but I don’t think other fans will bother making that distinction. They’ll simply label us cheaters, and cheer every loss, not realizing that a pitcher getting hammered, a batter going 0 for 4, or a key player getting injured.

Maybe I’m overreacting, but the whole “best fans in baseball” thing has been mocked endlessly, and the other teams in division, as well as our fans, resent us for our recent success, making me think that they were just looking for an excuse to lambast us. Well now they have it.

I suppose it makes sense that I’m feeling sick and melancholy, as it fits the Cards this week. The offense will hopefully turn around and this four runs or less stretch will be nothing but a blip on the radar of our season, but the scandal will be filed away and brought up every time we lose by other fans, regardless of the fact that it was probably a rogue executive acting on his own.

Yes, I ended up getting into the scandal, but I couldn’t help it. The last thing I want is for the Cards to be derided, and that’s pretty much a given now as I implied above.


As always, thanks for reading


  • janrayewilliams June 19, 2015, 1:23 pm

    “It’s an unfortunate thing that occurred and is not part of what people around here would do,” DeWitt said. “This isn’t a pattern of behavior to try to get an edge no matter how or what. It’s none of that. We don’t know who or how many people did something that just goes against everything we stand for. When we find out all the facts and who did what, they will pay the price for doing that. They are going to know they shouldn’t have done it. The government is going to make sure of that as well. “We’ll get to those answers. With the federal authorities you are going to get the real answers.”

    Cheating and using PEDs and HGH “is not part of what people around here would do,” and yet a known HGH-using cheater is the Star of the Cardinals Team!

    “This isn’t a pattern of behavior to try to get an edge no matter how or what.” But we are just fine with having a cheater who used HGH and has the long-lasting benefits of its use still giving him an advantage in every at-bat in every game. But we watched David Ortiz, another HGH-using cheater, beat us in the WS, and we were determined to have a player like that on our team.

    We don’t know who or how many people did something that just goes against everything we stand for. We know EXACTLY who cheated and used an MLB banned substance, but, gee, we’ve just got to have a HR hitter on the team and an HGH user will do that for us. “Goes against everything we stand for?” No, we don’t have to police ourselves and worry about morals! Heck, it’s 2015, and we’re no better than anybody else. We don’t really care about what an MLB player has done in his past. It just doesn’t matter anymore. WIN!! WIN!! JUST WIN!! Kids aren’t watching us. Minor leaguers aren’t watching us!

    Sad, Mr. DeWitt and Mr. Mozeliak. Just Sad.

  • janrayewilliams June 19, 2015, 1:28 pm

    Melancholy … is exactly how I’ve felt ever since my beloved Cardinals signed a cheating, lying, HGH-using player and rewarded him big-time for his having an advantage over other non-cheating players. No longer is it believable that MLB, the MLPBA, the owners, players, and fans want PEDs and HGH out of the game as we are watching these players in every game season after season after season. Sad.

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