Winter Warm-up 1.0

Prior to this year’s Cardinals winter warmup, I was made aware of the opportunity to cover the event from a media/blogger standpoint.  Given the exceptionally busy schedule I’ve found myself having over the past year or so (which you might’ve noticed by the collection of dust on my blog here at the Conclave), I didn’t anticipate being able to participate.  In short, I didn’t bother replying to the email that went out to the group about covering the event.

Long story short: Another email came in about a week ago, there’d been some changes to my schedule, and it worked out that I was able to attend…at least a portion of the event.

So, late Saturday morning, I left the house, and headed downtown to the Hyatt to the event.  Not so much nervous, as just anxious and interested to see how everything works behind the curtain.  (literally)  Obviously, there’d been other colleagues who’d had the experience, two of which, Matt Whitener and Kevin Reynolds, would be there this year…and helpful for keeping me from embarrassing myself.

I’d been to this event numerous times as a fan (one particular pass is among my more favorite pieces of my collection of “stuff”).  This will be my first time covering it at all.  So, I’ll try to do some stuff, post a few things, and not take any of it too seriously along the way.

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