Community Partnership Launches “Rise Up for Heroes”

Civic, Sports and Business Sectors Calling on STL
to Honor Frontline Heroes

St. Louis civic, sports and business leaders have joined to rally the St. Louis community in a region-wide expression of thanks and support for the frontline heroes in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The “Rise Up For Heroes” initiative is asking everyone in the St. Louis community to come together, stand together and salute our frontline heroes as one each night at 7 p.m. in neighborhoods and residential areas.  Whether it is stepping outside one’s home, standing on one’s porch or opening a window to express gratitude and respect, the goal is to let everyone know that St. Louis applauds the bravery and commitment for those who are sustaining the health and well-being of everyone in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area.

“Whether it is clapping, singing, dancing or whatever you want to do, as long as it’s safe and responsible, we’re asking everyone on all sides of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to join in raising the volume and clarity of our gratitude,” said Blues captain Alex Pietrangelo.  “It’s an honor to partner with the Cardinals to say thanks to the real heroes in our community, and I know St. Louis will answer the bell and make ‘Rise Up For Heroes’ everything it should be.”

Louie and Fredbird, respectively representing the St. Louis Blues and St. Louis Cardinals, will kick off the program by leading a small caravan over several nights to inspire and showcase St. Louis’ collective gratitude for those in the center of the battle.

“The Cardinals are joining this effort with the Blues to shine the spotlight on today’s heroes, which is where the spotlight belongs,” said Cardinals pitcher Adam Wainwright.  “From the thousands and thousands of brave healthcare workers to the staffs at your local grocery and pharmacy, first responders, transportation employees, postal and delivery personnel, teachers and more, let’s do the right thing and recognize everyone who is keeping St. Louis moving.”

The pop-up caravan will visit a few neighborhoods each night and complete its short route by ending at one of the member hospitals established of the regional COVID-19 task force. The launch events are being carefully planned to follow all CDC guidelines and represent a partnership with key governmental agencies.

The program asks the community to join in the following ways:

  • Rise up each night at 7 p.m. throughout the St. Louis region – in Missouri and Illinois alike – by coming outside to express your gratitude to the frontline heroes of the COVID-19 battle.
  • Contribute to the COVID-19 Regional Response Fund, which is serving a wide group of local agencies stepping up to support those with the greatest needs. Links will be on
  • Sign up to donate blood if you are eligible to help the American Red Cross avoid more dramatic shortages in the coming months. Visit for information.
  • Show other expressions of support by visiting, posting videos and photos, developing signs, displaying blue lights, adding bears in your windows or any other form of thanks to magnify our appreciation.
  • Follow the guidelines of the local health officials to help fight the spread of COVID-19.

Keith Alper, entrepreneur and CEO of the Nitrous Effect, pulled together the Blues, Cardinals and other key supporters to make “Rise Up For Heroes” a reality.

“We saw a groundswell of support building for our local frontline heroes in the fight against COVID-19 intensified, and we wanted to take it to another level,” Alper said.  “The ‘Rise Up For Heroes’ campaign is intended to be a spark for continuing to grow our region’s recognition and collective fight to make a difference.”

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