It’s the final day of the regular season. We should be sipping mimosas and watching some out-of-market football game. NOPE. We’ll instead be watching through our fingers as the Cardinals try to prevent the Cubs from fully returning the ‘sweep’ favor, with the added bonus of clinching the NL Central title.
That 19-inning game in Arizona killed us. Well that and Wacha getting hurt (again) and lasting all of 5 outs the very next day. But this is still totally doable. I just wish the team didn’t have to turn to it’s ace to clinch the Division. It would be ideal to have Flaherty for Game 1 against Atlanta, but I absolutely don’t see Shildt turning to his stud on short rest for the very first game of the post-season. Gotta play the hand you’re dealt. Not the hand we thought we’d have coming out of Chicago last weekend.
I do love the fact that all the games today will start at 12:10 PT, +/- 5 min. Very ‘Premier League last day’/’World Cup last group stage game’-esque. Let’s share the angst with as many people as possible! I have my second cup of coffee in the pot and the Costco mega-pack of Pepto Bismol at the ready.
The team can do this. Yes. Since the Blues won the Stanley Cup, the world is once again full of limitless possibilities. I look anxiously forward to watching baseball with a full view, at least until Game 4 of the NLDS rolls around.