Cardinals Announce Staff Changes in St. Louis and Springfield Front Offices

Matt Gifford Returns to St. Louis, Joe Abernathy Takes on A New Role, and Dan Reiter Takes Over As Springfield GM

ST. LOUIS, MO JUNE 20, 2017 – The St. Louis Cardinals announced a series of staffing changes and promotions in both the St. Louis and Springfield front offices earlier today.

“We are excited to announce several staff changes that will further strengthen our front office in St. Louis and Springfield,” said Bill DeWitt III, President of the St. Louis Cardinals.  “We are fortunate to have several very talented professionals who have earned the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities and new challenges as we continue to grow as an organization.”

Matt Gifford, who has served as the Vice President & General Manager of the Springfield Cardinals since 2004, will be returning to St. Louis to lead the St. Louis Cardinals Stadium Operations Department as Vice President of Stadium Operations.  Joe Abernathy, formerly in that role (since 1997), transitions into a new role as Vice President of Facility Planning & Engineering.  Dan Reiter has been promoted to Vice President & General Manager of the Springfield Cardinals, filling the role that will be vacated by Gifford.  Reiter joined the Springfield Cardinals prior to the inaugural season in 2005, and has worked his way up to his current role as Vice President of Sales & Marketing.   Dan Reiter will report to Dan Good, Vice President of Business Development.

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