Random Thoughts…

Been kind of chaotic for me lately, and, to be honest, blog post ideas have eluded me, so I’m hoping to kick start myself (that sounds painful) with a few quick hits. I might toss a few of these type posts out there for a bit until I get back into a groove.

1) We are currently playing Cincinnati. You know how there’s an exception to every rule? Well I’ve often in the past said that the Cardinals are a team of professionals and don’t need to acquire players for the edge they bring. Well, the exception to that rule currently plays in Cincy, and his name is Joey Votto. Admittedly though, the edge isn’t the reason I’d want him, it’s just a bonus. The real reason is his incredible plate discipline. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as I’m a well known OBP freak. If I were building a team from scratch, Votto would be a guy I’d want to build around. It’s nice to see him having a good season, regardless if he plays for a division rival or not.

2) For those who read me regularly, you know that I follow all of baseball, not just the Cards. I’ve already mentioned in the past how a matchup against the Astros in the W.S. would be cool. Another matchup I’d enjoy would be vs. the Toronto Blue Jays. I enjoy the team, and a series against them, would remind me, at least a little, of another World Series opponent we played against in the past. That team is the 1982 Milwaukee Brewers, aka Harvey’s Wallbangers, named such after Harvey Kuenn and the popular alcoholic drink. Those guys could mash, and were a fun Series opponent. The Jays can mash too, though their pitching is better than what the Brewers had, especially since they added, among other pitchers, David Price at the deadline. Add to that the return of Marcus Stroman, and you have a solid rotation to back up that powerful offense. They could be scary. As I said, it’d be fun to watch.

3) As for the sky is falling stuff: Keep the faith people! We’ll be fine. Every team goes through rough patches. Get back to me when we’ve lost 10 straight, then I’ll start to worry.

That’s it for now. As always, thanks for reading.

  • Buddhasillegitimatechild38 September 11, 2015, 8:16 am

    I’ve you ignore the contract I’d want to acquire the living shit out of Votto too, but good God man, that contract is awful. Also I would build around Trout, similar OBP and Power but plays OF and is significantly younger

    • Cardinal70 September 11, 2015, 9:34 am

      My general rule of thumb is you don’t build a team in these exercises with anyone over 25. Trout would be top of the list, Harper would probably be in the mix as well. In a vacuum, as you say, Votto would be great to have but very, very pricey.

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