We here at The Cardinal Conclave are quite excited to announce that we’ve partnered with the new social media site Fancred. You can follow us over there and find links and other Cardinal news and thoughts from us as well.
You might be asking just what Fancred is. Fancred is a place for folks to post their links, GIFs, thoughts and anything else that relates to their sporting interests. You can find everyone that’s talking about the Cardinals, for instance. Or perhaps the Royals, if you are into that. They even have those rumored “other sports” as a possibility, though why you’d need those, I don’t know.
The Conclave is the first St. Louis Cardinals-focused Verified Account on Fancred and we encourage everyone to stop by over there and set up an account. It looks like it could be an exciting new location for talking about the best team in baseball*.
*Best team not determined by actual record. Your mileage may vary. No guarantees or trash talk should be implied by said statement.