Offseason journal: Day 34

Day 34:  More than a month in, things are moving at a brisk pace


Well, it’s been over a month now, and I’m still getting settled in to this “new normal”.  Fortunately, there’s really not been much of a shortage for baseball-related news.  There were the awards, and though often things will slow down (sometimes to a grinding halt) after that, they really haven’t slowed that much over the past couple of weeks.  Terms like “lively” or even “busy” come to mind when you consider:

  • HOF Ballot announcement
  • Freese/Salas traded to LAA for Bourjos/Grichuck
  • Schumaker to CIN
  • KC sold George Kottaras to CHC
  • DET sent Fister to WAS for a trio
  • Cards sign Jhonny Peralta
  • Jose Molina signed with TB
  • Jim Johnson to OAK for Weeks & PTBNL

And perhaps among the more surprising moves so far this offseason:

  • COL signed LaTroy Hawkins

Oh, well, at least he’s in the NL.


So, it really has been closer to feast than famine lately…and we’re still a few days away from seeing which players will be tendered/non-tendered.  Winter meetings haven’t yet started, and the A-Rod circus is (thankfully) getting a lot less attention than it otherwise might be, if things weren’t quite so busy.  Dude.  I’m not sure how much of it I could take if the daily headlines were about minutia like A-Rod storming out of a meeting, then going on the air to spout off for a few minutes.

With only eleven weeks until spring training starts up again, I’m somewhat encouraged about not withering away and dying due to a lack of baseball this offseason.  In fact, though tempted, I still haven’t had to break out games to watch to keep my sanity.  Although before much longer, it may reach the point where I can watch a game leisurely rather than like some crack addict, glued to every pitch without blinking.

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