This Price is Right

Maybe it was due to the fact that my now 16-year old daughter was watching Happy Gilmore on Sunday. Or it could have been my previous man-crush with David Price, knowing that the Cards are one of the few teams that could realistically trade for him. Whatever the reason tonight’s showing on the biggest stage should open up the phone lines between St. Louis and Tampa Bay as soon as the 2013 campaign comes to an end.

What say you, loyal readers of the CC? No matter how you want to look at it, pairing up Price with Wainwright at the top of the rotation should strike fear in the National League. Two big game hurlers just chomping at the bit to get the ball in any situation. Yes, the price would be significant but well worth it to try and secure the services of one of baseball’s best southpaws.

The Cardinals rarely take my advice, and the Rays may very well follow the path blazed by last year’s #2 Wild Card. If that’s the case, the cost of Price will certainly go up with every impressive start this October. But at least for one night, the reining Cy Young winner’s complete game was a thing of beauty in Texas. And for every one of us who will relive 2011 for the next 3o years, the Price is certainly right for the Birds on the Bat.

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