Top Cards on Twitter: 2018 Edition

Starting in 2015, every year as the regular season ends we take a little time to look at our Cardinal community.  As the Cardinals have started heading home and planning their winter activities, we get a chance to celebrate those that we spend almost as much time with during the season, the folks on Twitter.  We went to a new method last year and I think it really worked out well, but I want to reiterate something up front about this form that you are about to get.


Seriously, I believe there are 120 different names on this year’s version of the list.  If you don’t follow them, DON’T RATE THEM!  Don’t give them a 1, because that messes everything up.  Just skip it and go on. Even if you do follow them, if you don’t have an opinion, skip it and move on.

It’d be great if these were just strictly based on how much you enjoy their Cardinal-related content, but that’s probably not realistic.  You may not like their politics.  You may not like that they talk politics too much.  You may not like the fact that they put up stuff on football or beer or Star Wars….wait, hang on with that last one….and that’s fine to let it influence your rating of that account.  However, let’s see if we can’t keep it mostly Cardinal-related, if possible.

The form is pretty simple.  After you enter your Twitter handle, you move on through the various sections, rating THE ACCOUNTS YOU CARE ABOUT (seriously, I can’t stress that enough) on a scale from one being “meh” to ten being “wowzers”.  The last page gives you a chance to write-in anyone that wasn’t listed and rate them in the same manner.

Without further ado…..


Click on the link above and have at it.  Submissions will be taken until October 22 and posts listing out how everything shook out should show up in November.  Please share with those on Twitter and I truly appreciate your input and support!

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